Martes, Setyembre 17, 2013


CRIMINOLOGISTS Licensure Examination
First Day - 03:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

CORRECTIONAL ADMINISTRATION                                SET TWO

INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions.  Mark only one answer for each item by marking the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 1 only.

  1. Articles 1706 - 1727 of the revised Administrative Code as amended is known as
A.  Correction Law
B.  Jail Management Law
C.  Prison Law
D.  Parole and Probation Law
  1. The mechanical device or contrivance, tools or implement used to hold back, keep in check or under control is the
    1. Instrument of Restraint
    2. Iron leg Lock
    3. Handcuffs
    4. Metallic chains
  1. Who is tasked with the gathering and collecting of information and other data of every prisoner into a case study to determine the work assignment, the type supervision and degree of custody and restriction under which an offender must live in jail?
    1. Classification Board
    2. Board of Custody
    3. Diagnostic Board
    4. Treatment Board
  1. The imprisonment a convicted offender may serve, at the rate of PhP8.00 a day subject to certain rules, for failure to pay a fine and if ordered to do so by the judgment is referred to as 
    1. Subsidiary imprisonment
    2. Secondary Imprisonment
    3. Preventive Imprisonment
    4. None of the above
  1. The meaning of the word oblivion is
    1. forgetting completely
    2. class of persons
    3. abolish
    4. community based treatment

  1. The process of determining the needs  and requirements of prisoners for assigning them to programs  according to their existing resources is called:
    1. classification
    2. quarantine
    3. diversification
    4. quality control
  1. Public humiliation or public exhibition also mean:
    1. public execution
    2. social degradation
    3. banishment
    4. public trial
  1. During the 16th up to the 18th century, a criminal may be sent away from a place carried out by prohibition to coming against a specified territory. This is an ancient form of punishment called:
    1. Exile
    2. Transportation
    3. Banishment
    4. Public trial
  1. One of the following represents the earliest codification of the Roman law, which was incorporated into the Justinian Code.
    1. Twelve Tables
    2. Burgundian Code
    3. Code of Draco
    4. Hammurabic code
10.  In the history of correction, thinkers during the reformatory movement were the major influences of today’s correctional system. Alexander Mochanochie was the one who introduced the __ of correction
    1. Solitary system
    2. Irish System
    3. Marked System
    4. Congregate system
11.  What law renamed the Bureau of Prison to Bureau of Correction during the Aquino administration in the Philippines?
    1. E.O 727
    2. E.O 292
    3. E.O 645
    4. E.O 104

12.  Retaliation is the earliest remedy for a wrong act to any one (in the primitive society). The concept follows that the victim’s family or tribe against the family or tribe of the offender, hence “blood feuds” was accepted in the early primitive societies. Retaliation means:
    1. Personal Vengeance
    2. Tooth for a tooth
    3. Eye for an Eye
    4. All of these
13.  In 1936, the City of Manila exchanges its Muntinlupa property with the Bureau of Prisons originally intended as a site for boys’ training school. Today, the old Bilibid Prison is now being used as the Manila City Jail, famous as the :
    1. “ May Halique Estate”
    2. Tandang Sora State
    3. New Bilibid Jail
    4. Muntinlupa Jail
14.  The sheriff of Bedsfordshire in 1773 who devoted his life and fortune to prison reform. After his findings on English Prisons, he recommended the following: single cells for sleeping, segregation of women, segregation of youth, provision of sanitation facilities, and abolition of fee system by which jailers obtained money from prisoners.
    1. John Howard
    2. Robert Peel
    3. William Penn
    4. Manuel Montesimos
15.  Mr. Cruz was convicted of the crime of murder. After 10 days from the promulgation of the sentence, he escaped from his place of confinement. He maybe
    1. liable for evasion of service of sentence
    2. considered as an escaped prisoner
    3. not liable for evasion of service of sentence  
    4. All of these
16.  Ms. Bantog was convicted for the crime of infanticide. After serving her sentence she committed again the same crime. Ms Ines Bantog maybe considered as a
    1. recidivist
    2. quasi-recidivist
    3. habitual delinguent      
    4. mentally retarded person

17.  Ramon, a basketball player, arrested Berto for some legal ground but he failed to file a complaint against the latter with in the prescribed period of filing. What crime did Ramon committed?
    1. arbitrary detention
    2. illegal Detention
    3. illegal arrest
    4. no crime committed
18.  The Camp Sampaguita of the national Bilibid Prison houses
A.  Super Maximum Security Prisoners    
B.  Maximum Security Prisoners
C.  Medium Security Prisoners
D.  Minimum Security Prisoners
19.  The only early Roman place of confinement which was built under the main sewer of Rome in 64 B.C.
A.  Bridewell Workhouse
B.  Wulnut Street Jail
C.  Burgundian House
D.  none of these
20.  The punishment should be provided by the state whose sanction is violated, to afford the society or individual the opportunity of imposing upon the offender suitable punishment as might be enforced. Offenders should be punished because they deserve it. This is one justification of punishment called:
    1. Atonement
    2. Incapacitation
    3. Deterrence
    4. Retribution
21.  The purpose of commutation of sentence is to:
A.  do away with the miscarriage of justice             
B.  break the rigidity of the law
C.  restore the political and civil rights of the accused
D.  all of the above
22.  One of the following is an admission procedure which involves the frisking of the prisoner.
    1. Identification
    2. Searching
    3. Briefing/Orientation
    4. minimum security prisoners

23.  If the warden is taken as the hostage, for all intents and purposes, he ceases to exercise authority and the next in command or the __________ officer present shall assume the command.
    1. Veteran
    2. Assistant
    3. Most senior
    4. Custodian
24.  Upon receipt of the probation officer investigation report, the court shall resolve the application for probation not later than-
    1. 60 days
    2. 5 days
    3. 15 days
    4. 45 days
25.  Who is the Father of Philippine Probation?
    1. Jose Lacson
    2. Juan Ponce Enrile
    3. Antonio Torres
    4. None of these
26.  What is the country, whose early schemes for humanizing the criminal justice under it’s common law, originated probation.
    1. England 
    2. United States     
    3. Greece
    4. France
27.  Which of the following does not belong to the common law practices to which the emergence of probation is attributed?
    1. Recognizance                
    2. Reprieve 
    3. Benefit of the Clergy      
    4. Penance
28.  Benefit of clergy, judicial reprieve, sanctuary, and abjuration offered offenders a degree of protection from the enactment of
    1. harsh sentences
    2. soft sentences
    3. criminal liabilities
    4. code of Hammurabi

29.        In the United States, particularly in Massachusetts, different practices were being developed. "Security for good behavior," also known as good aberrance, was much like modern bail.
    1. Penalizing
    2. Good aberrance
    3. Paying in cash
    4. Collateral
30.  Who among the following was the builder hospice of San Michelle, a reformatory for delinquent boys
    1. Montesquieu
    2. Pope Clement XI
    3. Samuel Romily
    4. John Howard
31.  The advocate of ultimate prison known as “the Panopticon” was
    1. Jeremy Bentham
    2. Samuel Romily
    3. Walter Crofton
    4. John Howard
32.  The founder of the Classical School of Criminology and published a short treaties “ On Crimes and Punishments” which contains his reformatory ideas was
    1. Jeremy Bentham
    2. Cesare Lombroso
    3. Cesare Beccaria
    4. Enrico Ferri
33.  Diversification means
    1. Proper integration of prisoners
    2. Proper classification of prisoners
    3. Proper segregation of prisoners
    4. Welfare of prisoners
34.  Filipino female  national prisoners  are confined at the
    1. Mental hospital
    2. CIW
    3. Manila City Jail
    4. Iwahig Penal Colony
35.  An offender who surrenders  from escaping because  of calamity immediately  48 hours  after the pronouncement of  the passing  away  of calamity  shall be granted
    1. 1/5 reduction of sentence
    2. ½ reduction of sentence
    3. 2/5 reduction of sentence
    4. 2/6 reduction of sentence
36.  What is the name of the prison institution situated in Zamboanga, named after Capt. Blanco of the Spanish Royal Army?
    1. Old Bilibid Prison
    2. Sablayan Prsions and Penal Farm
    3. San Ramon Prison & Penal Farm
    4. Iwahig Penal
37.  A branch or division of law which defines crimes, treat of their nature and provides for their punishment
A.  Remedial law
B.  Criminal law
C.  Civil law
D.  Political law
38.  One who investigates  for the  court a referral  for probation or supervises a probationer or both
A.  police officer
B.  probationer officer
C.  intelligence officer
D.  law enforcer
39.  Post sentence investigation report must  be submitted by the probation officer to the court within
A.  20 days
B.  30 days
C.  60 days
D.  90 days
40.  Parole in the Philippine is governed by the
A.  determinate sentence law
B.  Indeterminate sentence law
C.  Board of pardon and parole
D.  Parole and probation administration
41.  A detention jail in Philadelphia but it was converted into state prison and became the first American penitentiary.
A.  Auburn Prison
B.  Walnut Street Jail
C.  Pennsylvania Prison
D.  Bride Well
42.  The system of prison  were  the confinement of the prisoners  in single cells at night  and congregate work  in stop during the day
A.  Pennsylvania prison
B.  Auburn prison
C.  Elmira reformatory
D.  Alcatraz prison

43.  Under the rules, the chairman of the classification  board and disciplinary  board for jails should be
A.  Warden
B.  Assistant warden
C.  Custodial officer
D.  Security officer
44.  A special group of prisoners composed of incorrigible, intractable and dangerous persons who are so difficult to manage inside prisons.
A.  Medium Security prisoners
B.  Maximum security prisoners
C.  Super maximum security prisoners
D.  Minimum Security Prisoners
45.  One of the following is considered as the corner stone  in reformation n which  includes all the life experiences  which shape a persons attitudes and behaviors
    1. Recreational program
    2. Religious program
    3. Educational program
    4. Work program
46.  It involves supervision of prisoners to insure punctual and orderly movement  from the dormitories, place of work, hospital and churches  in accordance with the daily schedules
    1. Control
    2. Custody
    3. Discipline
    4. Inspection
47.  It is a special unit in prison  where by newly arrived prisoners  will be admitted for diagnostic examination, observation
    1. Reception  and Diagnostic Center
    2. Medium Security Compound
    3. Maximum Security Compound
    4. Minimum Security Compound
48.  Under the jail rules, the following are authorized disciplinary  measures imposable  to inmate offender except
    1. Reprimand
    2. Cancellation of visiting privilege
    3. Cancellation of food allowance
    4. Extra fatigue duty

49.  The principle of an “eye for an eye” “tooth for a tooth” doctrine is common among ancient laws, specifically the
    1. Code of Draco
    2. Hammurabic Code
    3. Summerian Code
    4. Code of Solomon
50.  “Lex Tallionis” means
    1. Punishment
    2. Law of retaliation
    3. Retribution
    4. Suffering
51.  These were abandoned or unusable transport ships use to confine criminals during the early period of treating criminal offenders.
    1. Hulks
    2. Gaols
    3. Transportation
    4. Galleys
52.  He wrote his book “State of the Prisons” and he was also considered as the great prison reformer.
    1. John Howard
    2. John Augustus
    3. William Penn
    4. Domets of France
53.  The first house of correction in London England was the
    1. Bridewell Workhouse
    2. Walnut Street Jail
    3. Mamertine Prison
    4. Panopticon
54.  ___ - known as the “Rock” build in San Francisco Bay
    1. Walnut prison
    2. Alcatraz prison
    3. New York prison
    4. Red Rock penitentiary
55.  Anything that is contrary to prison  or jail rules and regulations are considered
    1. Firearms
    2. Contrabands
    3. Greyhounds
    4. Personal belongings

56.  It is the suffering that is inflicted by the state for the transgression of a law for the purpose of controlling criminals.
    1. Prevention
    2. Revenge
    3. Penalty
    4. All of the above
57.  Parole and Probation  Administration is under  the direction of the
    1. Department of Finance
    2. Department of Justice
    3. Department of Interior and Local Government
    4. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
58.  What is nature in hearing the violation of a probation?
    1. Formal
    2. Summary
    3. Due process
    4. None of the above
59.  Which is considered the forerunner of parole?
    1. Mark system
    2. Solitary system
    3. Benefits of a clergy
    4. Congregate system
60.  The following are considered as  discretionary conditions of probation except
    1. Drinking intoxicated liquor to excess
    2. Abstain from visiting house of ill repute
    3. Meet his family responsibilities
    4. Cooperate with the program of probation
61.  The first convict in the Philippines, sentenced to death by means of Lethal injection was
    1. Baby Ama
    2. Asiong Salonga
    3. Leo Echagaray
    4. Gregorio S. Mendoza
62.  In the 13th C, a criminal could avoid ________ by claiming refugee in a church for a period of 40 days at the end of which time he has compelled to leave the realm by a road or path assigned to him.
    1. Penalty
    2. punishment
    3. trial
    4. conviction

63.  Long, low, narrow, single decked ships propelled by sails, usually rowed by criminals, a type of ship used for transportation of criminals in the 16th century. This referred to as the:
    1. Gaols
    2. Galleys
    3. Hulks
    4. Stocks
64.  The Classical School of penology maintains the “doctrine of psychological hedonism” or __________. That the individual calculates pleasures and pains in advance of action and regulates his conduct by the result of his calculations.
A.  denied individual responsibility    
B.  free will
C.  pleasures and avoiding pain
D.  natural phenomenon
65.  History has shown that there are three main legal systems in the world, which have been extended to and adopted by all countries aside from those that produced them. Among the three, it was the __________ that has the most lasting and most pervading influence.
A.  Mohammedan Law 
B.  Anglo-American Law
C.  Roman Law
D.  Hammurabic Code
66.  Hanging is for death penalty, maiming is for
A.  Social degradation  
B.  Exile
C.  Physical torture
D.  Slavery
67.  Who is the Director of the English Prison who opened the Borstal Institution for young offenders? The Borstal Institution is considered as the best reform institution for young offenders today.
A.  Evelyn Brise   
B.  Manuel Montesimos
C.  Zebulon Brockway
D.  Walter Crofton
68.  The __________ is considered forerunner of modern penology because it has all the elements in a modern system.
    1. Bridewell Workhouse
    2. Elmira Reformatory
    3. Wulnut Street Jail
    4. Borstal Institution for Boys

69.  Capital punishment refers to:
    1. Life imprisonment
    2. Death Penalty
    3. Reclusion Perpetua
    4. All of these
70.  One of the following is not an administrative function exercised by the executive branch of the government.
    1. Probation
    2. Pardon
    3. Parole
    4. Amnesty
71.  Pardon granted by the Chief Executive
    1. extinguishes criminal liability of offender
    2. does not extinguish civil liability of offender
    3. must be given before the prosecution of the offense
    4. all of the above
72.  The enactment of Republic Act no. 6975 created the BJMP. It operates as a line bureau under the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG). This statement is:
    1. partially true
    2. partially false
    3. true
    4. false
73.  The Jail Bureau shall be headed by a chief with a rank of Director General, and assisted by Deputy Chief with the Rank of Chief Superintendent. This statement is:
    1. partially true
    2. partially false
    3. true
    4. false
74.  The group having the responsibility of providing a system of sound custody, security and control of inmates and their movements and also responsible to enforce prison or jail discipline is the:
    1. Security group for jails
    2. Escort Platoon
    3. Control Center groups
    4. Warden
75.  A unit of the prison or a section of the RDC where the prisoner is given thorough physical examination including blood test, x-rays, vaccinations and immunity is the:
    1. Quarantine cell
    2. NBP
    3. Death row
    4. Control Area
76.  Imprisonment is not always advisable. Placing a person to custodial coercion is to place him in physical jeopardy, thus drastically narrowing his access to source of personal satisfaction and reducing his self-esteem. This principle is based on the ____ of community based treatment programs.
    1. Restorative aspect
    2. Humanitarian aspect
    3. Managerial aspect
    4. Legal aspect
77.  The case where the Supreme Court laid down the doctrine that the absolute pardon removes all that is left of the consequences of conviction, and that it is absolute in so far it restores the pardonee to full civil and political rights.
A. Cristobal vs. Labrador
B. Fernandez vs. Aquino
C. People vs. Galit
D. None of these
78.  The power of the chief Executive to grant pardon is limited to the following, except:
    1. Pardon can not be extended to cases of impeachment.
    2. No pardon, parole or suspension of sentence for the violation of any election law may be granted without favorable recommendation of the Commission of Elections.
    3. Pardon is exercised only after conviction
    4. Pardon is administered by the court
79.  In determining the fitness of a prisoner for release on conditional pardon, the following points shall be considered as guides, except:
    1. The political, organizational or religious affiliation of the prisoner should be disregarded.
    2. Due regard should be given the attitude of the people in the community from which he was sentenced.
    3. The background of the prisoner before he was committed to prison – social, economic.
    4. Financial capacity of the prisoner.
80.  Prisoners who are nearly to leave the institution, awaiting transfer, those in disciplinary status, and those who are chronically ill with mental disabilities are considered:
    1. unassignable prisoners to undergo prison programs
    2. all of these
    3. special group of offenders
    4. minimum security prisoners

81.  Parole is not claimed as a right but the Board of Parole grants it as a privilege to a qualified prisoner. This statement is:
    1. partially true
    2. partially false
    3. true
    4. false
82.  Every violation of jail/prison discipline shall be dealt with accordingly. In extreme cases, where the violation necessitate immediate action, the warden or the Officer of the Day may administer the necessary restraints and reports the action taken to the Disciplinary Board. The statement is:
    1. ­an SOP
    2. an emergency plan
    3. a general rule
    4. not applicable to prisoners
83.  Which of the following is a maximum security prison in Ossining, New York, USA? It is located approximately 30 miles (48 km) north of New York City on the banks of the Hudson River which the Auburn Prison system was applied.
    1. Alcatraz prison
    2. Sing Sing Prison
    3. Wulnut Street Jail
    4. Silver Mine Farm
84.  A ___, also called a 'block' or 'isolation cell', used to separate unruly, dangerous, or vulnerable prisoners from the general population, also sometimes used as punishment.
    1. Segregation Unit
    2. Reception Unit

    1. Quarantine Unit
    2. Cell 45
85.  What is the place in some prisons, or a section in prisons where criminals are placed awaiting execution?
    1. Execution room
    2. Death row
    3. Garotine
    4. Galley room
86.  The Auburn system is a penal method of the 19th century in which persons worked during the day in groups and were kept in solitary confinement at night, with enforced silence at all times. The Auburn system is also known as
    1. Albany system
    2. Irish system
    3. New York System
    4. None of these
87.  Bedford Hills Correctional Facility for Women is a prison in Bedford Hills, Westchester County, New York, USA. It is the largest women's prison in New York State and has hosted many infamous prisoners. It is the only women's maximum security prison in New York State. This statement is:
    1. True
    2. False
    3. Partially true
    4. Partially false
88.  The Panopticon is a type of prison building designed by English philosopher Jeremy Bentham in 1785. The concept of the design was derived from the word meaning of “pan” and “opticon”. “Opticon’ means:
A.  to allow an observer to observe
B.  with out the prisoner
C.  avoid watching
D.  To walk in military manner
89.  Elmira Correctional Facility, known otherwise as ___, is a maximum security prison located in New York in the USA. The prison is located in Chemung County, New York in the City of Elmira.
    1. “the school”
    2. “the hill”
    3. “the rock”
    4. “the dungeon”
90.  Who among the following was given the title “father of Prison Reform” in the United States?
    1. Zebulon Brockway
    2. Robert Peel
    3. John Howard
    4. Alexander Mocanochie
91.  It is the idea that the moral worth of an action is solely determined by its contribution to overall utility, that is, its contribution to happiness or pleasure as summed among all persons. It is thus a form of consequentialism, meaning that the moral worth of an action is determined by its outcome—the ends justify the means.
    1. Hedonism
    2. Positivism
    3. Determinism
    4. Penology

92.  The concept of probation, from the Latin word “probatio” which means ___, has historical roots in the practice of judicial reprieve.
    1. walk with faith
    2. live with integrity
    3. testing period
    4. out of prison
93.  In the history of capital punishment, what do they call this frame, typically wooden, used for execution by hanging?
    1. Galley
    2. ­Gallows
    3. Hulk
    4. Double blade
94.  Lethal injection refers to the practice of injecting a person with a fatal dose of drugs for the explicit purpose of causing the death of the subject. The main application for this procedure is capital punishment. Which of the following drug is injected to stops the heart thus causing death by cardiac arrest?
    1. Sodium thiopental
    2. Pancuronium
    3. Potassium chloride
    4. Bicarbonate
95.  Execution by electrocution (referred to as the Electric Chair) is an execution method originating in the United States in which the person being put to death is strapped to a specially built wooden chair and electrocuted through electrodes placed on the body. In the Philippines, its first use was in :
    1. 1924
    2. 1976
    3. 1972
    4. 1918
96.  Who was the British prison administrator and reformer, and founder of the Borstal system?
    1. Zebulon Brockway
    2. Alexander Mocanochie
    3. Evelyn Ruggles Brise
    4. Sir John Watson

97.  Besides religious laws such as the Torah, important codifications of laws were developed in the ancient Roman Empire, with the compilations of the Lex Duodecim Tabularum. This law refers to
    1. the Corpus Juris Civilis
    2. the Twelve Tables
    3. the Hammurabic code
    4. lex taliones
98.  The first permanent system of codified laws could be found in China, with the compilation of the
    1. Tang Code
    2. Wong Code
    3. Ting Code
    4. Chang Code
99.  Opponents of capital punishment claim that a prisoner's isolation and uncertainty over their fate constitute a form of mental cruelty and those especially long-time death row inmates are liable to become mentally ill, if they are not already. This is referred to as the
    1. death row phenomenon
    2. Cruelty syndrome
    3. Execution syndrome
    4. None of these
100.After individuals are found guilty of an offense and sentenced to execution, they will remain on death row while following an appeals procedure, if they so choose, and then until there is a convenient time for __.
    1. Execution
    2. Pardon
    3. Parole
    4. Amnesty

- End of Set Two -

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