INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each ofthe following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading thespace corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided.
1. The instruments especially designed to permit the firearm examiner todetermine the similarity and dissimilarity between two fired bullets or twofired shell.
a. Bullet Comparison Microscope b. Bullet Microscope
c. BuletComparison Microscope d. Bulet Microscope A
2. Itis generally used in the preliminary examination of fired bullets and firedshells to determine the relative distribution of the class characteristics.
a. Stereoscopic Microscope b. SterioscopicMicroscope
c. Stereouscopic Microscope d. Stereuoscopic Microscope A
3. A battery operated instrumentsgenerally used for the examination of the internal surface of the gun barrel todetermine the irregularities that caused microscopic markings on the peripheralsurface of the fired bullets.
a. Onoscope b.Onosecope
c. Onscope d. OnoescopeA
4. This contains a series ofmicroscopic lenses of different magnifications that can be used in examiningfired bullets and fired shells to determine its class characteristics.
a. Shadowgraph b. Shadawgraph
c. Shadowgrap d. Shadawgrap A
5. An instruments designed tomeasure velocity of the bullets
a. Cronograph b. Cronograp
c. Chronograph d. Chronograp C
6. Type of a weapon fired from theshoulder.
a. Pistol b. Revolver
c. Machine gun d. Rifle D
7. Instrument used in test firingsuspected firearm or firearms to obtain test bullets for comparative purposes
a. Bullet Recovery Bax b. Bullet Recavery Box
c. Bullet Recovery Box d.Bullet Recoviry Box
8. The depressed portion of therifling as you looked inside a barrel of a gun C
a. Grooves b. Lands
c. Bore d. Pitch A
9. The elevated rifling of thebarrel of the gun.
a. Grooves b. Lands
c. Bore d. Pitch B
10.Caliber .38 fired bullet found at the crime scene having 5 lands 5 grooves andright hand twist indicate that it was fired from.
a. Colt b.Browning
c.Remington d. Smith and Wesson D
11. Colt firearms has
a. 5 lands 5 grooves,left hand twist b. 5 lands 5 grooves, right hand twist
c. 6 lands 6 grooves, left handtwist d. 6 lands 6 grooves, right hand twist C
12. Isthe study of the firearms identification by means of the ammunition firedthrough them or fired through submitted suspected firearm.
a. Ballistics b. Forensic Ballistics
c. Terminal Ballistics d. Internal Ballistics B
13. Instruments used for makingmeasurement such as bullet diameter, bore diameter and barrel length.
a. Caleper b. Caliper
c. Calleper d. Calliper B
14. Firearms which propelsprojectiles of less than one inch in diameter are generally classified as;
a. Artillery b. Small arms
c. Cannon d. Rifle B
15. The still block which closesthe rear of the bore against the forced of the charge is;
a. Breech face b. Breech block
c.Chamber d. Bore B
16. Characteristic which are determinableonly after the manufacture of the firearm. They are characteristics whoseexistence is beyond the control of man and which have random distribution.Their existence in a firearm is brought about through wear and tear, abuse,mutilation, corrosion, erosion and other fortuitous causes;
a. Forensic Ballistics b. Rifling
c. Class Characteristics d. Individual Characteristics D
17. When the bulletenters the rifle bore from the stationery position and is forced abruptly intothe rifling its natural tendency is to go straight forward before encounteringthe regular rifling twist, is called;
a. Shavingmarks b. Skid marks
c. Individual Characteristics d. Slippage marks D
18. The practice of pulling the trigger to snap and unloadfirearm.
a.Firing gun b. Dry firing
c. Aiming gun d. Pointing gun B
19. Characteristicsof 9mm. Browning pistol.
a. 5 lands 5 grooves,right hand twist b. 3 lands 4 grooves, right hand twist
c. 6 lands 6 grooves, righthand twist d. 7 lands 7 grooves, right hand twist C
20. When a cartridgefails to explode on time or there is a delayed in combustion due to faultyfunctioning of the primer or faulty ignition of the propellant is;
a.Misfired b.Recoil
c. Hang fire d. Velocity C
21. A ring or serrated groovesaround the body of the bullet which contain substance in order to minimizefriction during the passage of the bullet inside the bore.
a.Lead bullet b. Wad cutter bullet
c. Bullet cannelure d. Plated bullet C
22. A firearm having six land six grooves withright hand twist
a. Smith andweson b. Browning type
c. Colt type d. Webby type B
23. Instrument used for the propulsion of the projectiles by the expansiveforce of gases coming from the burning powder.
a. Micrometer b. Firearms
c. Stereoscopic Microscope d. Comparison B
24. The part of the mechanism in a firearm whichcauses empty shells or cartridge cases to be thrown from the gun is called;
a. Extractor b. Ejector
c. Hammer d. TriggerB
25. Thepart of cartridge that ignites the main powder charge when struck by the firingpin.
a. Shell b. Base
c. Primer d. Bulle Ct
26.Weapon in which pressure uponthe trigger both cocks and released the hammer.
a. Single action b. Trigger
c. Hammer d. Double action D
27. Weapon in which pressure upon thetrigger released the hammer that must bemanually cocked is called.
a. Automatic b. Repeating Arm
c. Single action d. Ejector C
28. A policeman arriving at the crime scene, found a revolver.In reference to this, he should be most careful
a. T see that it is not loaded b. To put the safety lock
c. Not to handle it unnecessarily d. To mark it readily to the barrel A
29. Lesser caliberfirearm but considered as powerful.
a. 9mm b. .38
c. .357 d. .45 C
30. The part of .45 caliber semi automatic pistol found at thecrime scene , normally marked for identification in the;
a. Trigger b. Ejector
c. Slide d. Barrel D
31. It is the part of mechanism in a firearm that withdraws theshell or cartridge from the chamber
a.Ejector b. Primer
c. Striker d. Extractor D
32. The pitch or rate of twist in the rifling of a pistol orrifle barrels is called;
a. Land b. Grooves
c. Extractor marks d. One complete rotation of thebullet inside the bore D
33.The term double action with reference to revolver means most nearly that;
a.The revolver has both safety and automatic firing action
b. Pressure upon the trigger both cocks and release the hammer
c. The revolver can fire with or withoutautomatic shell ejection
d. The shell of the fired shot is ejected andfresh cartridge is pushed from the magazine at the same time B
34. The secret of a good shooting form is;
a. Proper sighting of the target b. Relaxed and natural position
c. Firing slowly d. Keeping the thumb alongthe hammer B
35. Of the following the best method to use infiring a revolver is to keep
a. Both eyes closed b. Onlythe right eye is open
c. Both eye is open d. Only left eye is open C
36. A policeman should fire his pistol.
a. At no time at all b. Primarily to stop at quarrel
c. To impress upon citizen d. Only at the last resort D
37.The science dealing with the motion of the projectiles from the time the firersqueezes the trigger up to the time it riches the muzzle of the barrel, iscalled.
a. Posterior ballistics b. Interior ballistics
c. Exterior ballistics d. Terminal ballistics A
38. The science that deals with the effect of theimpact of the projectiles on target is called;
a. Exterior ballistics b. Interior ballistics
c. Anterior ballistics d. Terminal ballistics D
39. The science which deals with themotion of the projectiles at the time it leaves the muzzle up to the time itshit the target, is known as;
a. Terminalballistics b. Interior ballistics
c. Exteriorballistics d. Forensic ballistics C
40. ClassCharacteristics are determinable even blank the manufacture of the firearm
a.During b. After
c. Before d. Never C
41. Rifling locatedinside the barrel of a gun is a combination
a. Pitch b.Twist
c. Lands and Grooves d. Cannelure C
42. A completed unfiredunit ammunition is inserted into the chamber of a firearm for firing isreferred to as;
a.Bullet b.Shell
c. Primer d. Cartridge D
43. A copper jacketedfired bullet is usually fired from;
a. Revolver b. Pistol
c. Rifle d. Pistol and Revolver B
44. If a bullet isfired through a weapon in which the lands have been worn down or through a borewhich is slightly oversized. The marks, is called;
a. Skid marks b. Slippage marks
c. Rifling marks d. Shearing marksA
45. A magnified photograph of a small object produce byconnecting a camera with the ocular of a compound microscope
a. Photo Microphotograph b. Microfilm
c. Photomicrograph d. Photograph C
46. Commonly, these marks are found on bullets fired from arevolver due to poor alignment of the cylinder of a bore
a. Shaving marks b. Skid marks
c. Pivot marks d. Landmarks A
47. To impart a motion or rotation of a bullet during itspassage inside the barrel , to insure gyroscopic stability in its flight iscalled;
a. Range b. Gauge
c. Rifling d. Center fire C
48. A metallic cup charged with priming composition ,usually made up of potassium chlorate, antimony sulfide and fulminate ofmercury.
a. Primer b.Gunpowder
c. Cartridge d.Primer cup A
49. A type of firearmwhich the pressure upon the trigger both cocks and release the hammer.
a. Automatic b. Single action
c. Double action d. Slideaction type C
50. Part of Exterior ballistics which refers to the soundcreated at the muzzle end of the barrel.
a. Muzzle energy b. Muzzle blust
c. Muzzle noise d. Range B
51. Placed in the barrels of the firearm to impart a spin onthe bullet that pass through it.
a. Land Rifling b. Rifling
c. Grooves d.All of these C
52. Raised portion between the grooves found inside thebarrel
a. Land b. Caliber
c. Gauge d. Rifling B
53. It refers to theplacement of the right and left specimen in side by side position
a. Drag marks b. Positively matched
c. Juxtaposition d. Pseudomatch C
54. A part of ballistics dealing with firearmsidentification
a. Interiorballistics b. Exterior ballistics
c. Terminal ballistics d. Forensic ballisticsA
55. The tumbling ofthe bullet in its trajectory and hitting the target sideways
a. Key hole shot b.Ricochet
c. Hangfire d. Misfire D
56. A bullet covered with a thick coating of copper alloy toprevent leading.
a. Jacketed bullet b. Metal cased bullet
c. Metal point bullet d. Plated bullet A
57. A smooth boremilitary firearm which has no rifling
a. Shotgun b. Rifle
c. Pistol d. Revolver A
58. This part of the firearm strike the primer causing thefiring pin of the cartridge
a. Hammer b. Ejector
c. Trigger d. Firing pin D
59. The measurement of the bore diameter from land to land
a Gauge b. Mean diameter
c. Caliber d. Rifling C
60. Refers to a complete unfired unit of ammunition placedinto gun chamber
a. Cartridge b.Primer
c. Bullet d.Shell A
61. Failure of a cartridge to discharge
a. Misfire b.Hang fire
c. Ricochet d.Key hole shot A
62. Most common individual characteristics that are visibleon the base portion of then fired cartridge
a. Firing Pin impression b. Ejector marks
c. Extractor marks d. Chamber marks A
63. Needed for a cartridge to be considered as a completeunfired unit
a. Bullet b. Primer
c. Gunpowder d. All of these D
64. Distance that the rifling advances to make one completeturn
a. Pitch ofrifling b. Choke
c. Trajectory d. Recoil A
65. A rearward movement of a firearm from firing
a. Recoil b. Force
c. Back fire d. Shot force A
.66. Refer to thechannels cut in the interior surface of the barrel
a. Rifling b. Land
c. Groove d. Cannelure C
67. Part of the firearmwhich closes the rear of the bore against the force of the charge
a. Breechblock b. Breechface
c. Ejector d. Breechface marks A
68. A smooth bore weapon designed to shoot anumber of lead pellets in one charge
a. Shotgun b. Rifle
c. Musket d. Pistol A
69. An ancient smooth bore weapon designed to shoot a singleround lead ball
a. Shotgun b. Rifle
c. Musket d. Pistol C
70. Part of the firearm which strikes the firing pin
a. Trigger b.Hammer
c. Sear d.Main spring C
71. The science which deals with the effect of the impact ofthe projectile on the target
a. Interior ballistics b. Exterior ballistics
c. Terminal ballistics d. Posterior ballistics B
72. The science of dealing with the motion of projectiles ofthe same time it leaves the muzzles of the firearm to the time it hits thetarget
a. Interior ballistics b. Exterior ballistics
c. Terminal ballistics d. Posterior ballistics C
73. Any metallic body referred to as a bullet
a. Projectile b. Ball
c. Shell d. Missile A
74. Measuring device used to measure the velocity ofprojectiles
a. Caliper b. Chronograph
c. Test bullet d. Bulletrecovery box B
75. A bullet fired from a firearm with anoversized or oily barrel or its lands have been worn down would produce whatkind of marking?
a. Slippage marks b. Skid marks
c. Rifling marks d. Shearing marks A
76. It literary meansdelay in discharge or the cartridge failure to explode on time
a. Misfire b. Hang fire
c. Ricochet d.Key hole shot B
77. The most reliableof all individual characteristics when fired cartridges are concerned.
a. Extractor marks b. Ejector marks
c. Chamber marks d. Breech face mark D
78. When looking a fired bullet, the mark used to identifyit is placed on
a. Its base b. Its side
c. Its side and base d. Its nose A
79. It is produced when the muzzle is held against thetarget or body when fired
a. Smudging b. Tatooing
c. Contact burn d. Contact wound D
80. It is result when the firearm is shot a around 2 to 8inches to the target
a. Smudging b. Tatooing
c. Contact burn d. Contact wound A
81. A barrel of any firearm is legally classified as
a. Part of the firearm b. Nomenclature
c. Accessory d. Complete firearm D
82. Scientific examinationsof bullets and firearms presumably used in the commission of a crime
a. Interior ballistics b. Exterior ballistics
c. Terminal ballistics d. Forensic ballistics D
83. Rifling in the bore ofsmall arms is primary designed for.
a. Increase the speed of thebullet b. Decrease the amount of recoil
c. Increase impact knowledge d. Prevent the bullet fromturning end over in the air D
84. The type of the cartridge whose case has a well definedupstanding rim around the base or simply with rim diameter greater than thebody.
a. Rimmed type b. Semi-rimmed type
c. Rim less type d.Rebated type A
85. The cartridge has a rimless form, but with a closer lookthe rim is slightly greater than the body.
a. Rimmed type b. Semi-rimmed type
c. Rim less type d. Rebated type B
86. Refer to the cartridgewith a rimless pattern, which has a rim diameter smaller than the body of thecase.
a. Rimmed type b. Semi-rimmed type
c. Rim less type d. Rebated type D
87. A type of a cartridge with a case having a rim diameterequal to diameter of the body with an extraction grooves cut around the base.
a. Rimmed type b. Semi-rimmed type
c. Rim less type d. Rebated type C
88. A cartridge with a prominent raise belt around its bodyjust in front of the extraction grooves.
a. Rimmed type b. Semi-rimmed type
c. Rim less type d. Belted type D
89. It is very carefully made replica of a cartridge,usually a tool steel and carefully dimensioned to be used as weapons byinstructor and repairman.
a. Dummy b. Drill ammunition
c. Blank ammunition d. Liveammunition A
90. This type of ammunition is used in mill training topractice loading and manipulation of the gun.
a. Dummy b. Drill ammunition
c. Blank ammunition d. Liveammunition
91. A cartridge without a bullet, containing gunpowder thatis designed to generate a loud noise to indicating firing
a. Dummy b. Drill ammunition
c. Blank ammunition d. Liveammunition C
92. Is the term applied for complete unit of unfired cartridge.
a. Dummy b. Drill ammunition
c. Blank ammunition d. Live ammunition D
93. The projectiles propelled through the barrel by theexpansive force of heated gas, sometimes called slug.
a. Bullet b. Cartridge case
c. Gunpowder d. Primer A
94. The container for thegunpowder, sometimes called shell
a. Bullet b. Cartridge case
c. Gunpowder d. Primer C
95. Sometimes calledPropellant or powder charge when ignited by the primer flash.
a. Bullet b. Cartridge case
c. Gunpowder d. Primer C
96. The chemical compound or priming mixture contained inthe primer cup. This mixture is highly susceptible to friction.
a. Bullet b. Cartridge case
c. Gunpowder d. Primer D
97. Instrument usedin determining more or less weight of bullets and shotgun pellets.
a. Analytical Ballance b. Torsion Ballance
c. Analytical Balance d. TursionBalance C
98. Father of thePercussion of powder
a. Alexander JohnForsyth b. Alexander Forsyth
c. Edward Colt d. Henry Colt A
99. Similar in used like calipers
a. Micrometer b. Mecrometer
c. Micrommeter d. Mecrommeter A
100. It is used primarily forthe examination an interior surfaces of the gun barrel
a. Halexometer b. Helixometer
c. Hallexometer d. Hellixometer B
INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each ofthe following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading thespace corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided.
1. The instruments especially designed to permit the firearm examiner todetermine the similarity and dissimilarity between two fired bullets or twofired shell.
a. Bullet Comparison Microscope b. Bullet Microscope
c. BuletComparison Microscope d. Bulet Microscope A
2. Itis generally used in the preliminary examination of fired bullets and firedshells to determine the relative distribution of the class characteristics.
a. Stereoscopic Microscope b. SterioscopicMicroscope
c. Stereouscopic Microscope d. Stereuoscopic Microscope A
3. A battery operated instrumentsgenerally used for the examination of the internal surface of the gun barrel todetermine the irregularities that caused microscopic markings on the peripheralsurface of the fired bullets.
a. Onoscope b.Onosecope
c. Onscope d. OnoescopeA
4. This contains a series ofmicroscopic lenses of different magnifications that can be used in examiningfired bullets and fired shells to determine its class characteristics.
a. Shadowgraph b. Shadawgraph
c. Shadowgrap d. Shadawgrap A
5. An instruments designed tomeasure velocity of the bullets
a. Cronograph b. Cronograp
c. Chronograph d. Chronograp C
6. Type of a weapon fired from theshoulder.
a. Pistol b. Revolver
c. Machine gun d. Rifle D
7. Instrument used in test firingsuspected firearm or firearms to obtain test bullets for comparative purposes
a. Bullet Recovery Bax b. Bullet Recavery Box
c. Bullet Recovery Box d.Bullet Recoviry Box
8. The depressed portion of therifling as you looked inside a barrel of a gun C
a. Grooves b. Lands
c. Bore d. Pitch A
9. The elevated rifling of thebarrel of the gun.
a. Grooves b. Lands
c. Bore d. Pitch B
10.Caliber .38 fired bullet found at the crime scene having 5 lands 5 grooves andright hand twist indicate that it was fired from.
a. Colt b.Browning
c.Remington d. Smith and Wesson D
11. Colt firearms has
a. 5 lands 5 grooves,left hand twist b. 5 lands 5 grooves, right hand twist
c. 6 lands 6 grooves, left handtwist d. 6 lands 6 grooves, right hand twist C
12. Isthe study of the firearms identification by means of the ammunition firedthrough them or fired through submitted suspected firearm.
a. Ballistics b. Forensic Ballistics
c. Terminal Ballistics d. Internal Ballistics B
13. Instruments used for makingmeasurement such as bullet diameter, bore diameter and barrel length.
a. Caleper b. Caliper
c. Calleper d. Calliper B
14. Firearms which propelsprojectiles of less than one inch in diameter are generally classified as;
a. Artillery b. Small arms
c. Cannon d. Rifle B
15. The still block which closesthe rear of the bore against the forced of the charge is;
a. Breech face b. Breech block
c.Chamber d. Bore B
16. Characteristic which are determinableonly after the manufacture of the firearm. They are characteristics whoseexistence is beyond the control of man and which have random distribution.Their existence in a firearm is brought about through wear and tear, abuse,mutilation, corrosion, erosion and other fortuitous causes;
a. Forensic Ballistics b. Rifling
c. Class Characteristics d. Individual Characteristics D
17. When the bulletenters the rifle bore from the stationery position and is forced abruptly intothe rifling its natural tendency is to go straight forward before encounteringthe regular rifling twist, is called;
a. Shavingmarks b. Skid marks
c. Individual Characteristics d. Slippage marks D
18. The practice of pulling the trigger to snap and unloadfirearm.
a.Firing gun b. Dry firing
c. Aiming gun d. Pointing gun B
19. Characteristicsof 9mm. Browning pistol.
a. 5 lands 5 grooves,right hand twist b. 3 lands 4 grooves, right hand twist
c. 6 lands 6 grooves, righthand twist d. 7 lands 7 grooves, right hand twist C
20. When a cartridgefails to explode on time or there is a delayed in combustion due to faultyfunctioning of the primer or faulty ignition of the propellant is;
a.Misfired b.Recoil
c. Hang fire d. Velocity C
21. A ring or serrated groovesaround the body of the bullet which contain substance in order to minimizefriction during the passage of the bullet inside the bore.
a.Lead bullet b. Wad cutter bullet
c. Bullet cannelure d. Plated bullet C
22. A firearm having six land six grooves withright hand twist
a. Smith andweson b. Browning type
c. Colt type d. Webby type B
23. Instrument used for the propulsion of the projectiles by the expansiveforce of gases coming from the burning powder.
a. Micrometer b. Firearms
c. Stereoscopic Microscope d. Comparison B
24. The part of the mechanism in a firearm whichcauses empty shells or cartridge cases to be thrown from the gun is called;
a. Extractor b. Ejector
c. Hammer d. TriggerB
25. Thepart of cartridge that ignites the main powder charge when struck by the firingpin.
a. Shell b. Base
c. Primer d. Bulle Ct
26.Weapon in which pressure uponthe trigger both cocks and released the hammer.
a. Single action b. Trigger
c. Hammer d. Double action D
27. Weapon in which pressure upon thetrigger released the hammer that must bemanually cocked is called.
a. Automatic b. Repeating Arm
c. Single action d. Ejector C
28. A policeman arriving at the crime scene, found a revolver.In reference to this, he should be most careful
a. T see that it is not loaded b. To put the safety lock
c. Not to handle it unnecessarily d. To mark it readily to the barrel A
29. Lesser caliberfirearm but considered as powerful.
a. 9mm b. .38
c. .357 d. .45 C
30. The part of .45 caliber semi automatic pistol found at thecrime scene , normally marked for identification in the;
a. Trigger b. Ejector
c. Slide d. Barrel D
31. It is the part of mechanism in a firearm that withdraws theshell or cartridge from the chamber
a.Ejector b. Primer
c. Striker d. Extractor D
32. The pitch or rate of twist in the rifling of a pistol orrifle barrels is called;
a. Land b. Grooves
c. Extractor marks d. One complete rotation of thebullet inside the bore D
33.The term double action with reference to revolver means most nearly that;
a.The revolver has both safety and automatic firing action
b. Pressure upon the trigger both cocks and release the hammer
c. The revolver can fire with or withoutautomatic shell ejection
d. The shell of the fired shot is ejected andfresh cartridge is pushed from the magazine at the same time B
34. The secret of a good shooting form is;
a. Proper sighting of the target b. Relaxed and natural position
c. Firing slowly d. Keeping the thumb alongthe hammer B
35. Of the following the best method to use infiring a revolver is to keep
a. Both eyes closed b. Onlythe right eye is open
c. Both eye is open d. Only left eye is open C
36. A policeman should fire his pistol.
a. At no time at all b. Primarily to stop at quarrel
c. To impress upon citizen d. Only at the last resort D
37.The science dealing with the motion of the projectiles from the time the firersqueezes the trigger up to the time it riches the muzzle of the barrel, iscalled.
a. Posterior ballistics b. Interior ballistics
c. Exterior ballistics d. Terminal ballistics A
38. The science that deals with the effect of theimpact of the projectiles on target is called;
a. Exterior ballistics b. Interior ballistics
c. Anterior ballistics d. Terminal ballistics D
39. The science which deals with themotion of the projectiles at the time it leaves the muzzle up to the time itshit the target, is known as;
a. Terminalballistics b. Interior ballistics
c. Exteriorballistics d. Forensic ballistics C
40. ClassCharacteristics are determinable even blank the manufacture of the firearm
a.During b. After
c. Before d. Never C
41. Rifling locatedinside the barrel of a gun is a combination
a. Pitch b.Twist
c. Lands and Grooves d. Cannelure C
42. A completed unfiredunit ammunition is inserted into the chamber of a firearm for firing isreferred to as;
a.Bullet b.Shell
c. Primer d. Cartridge D
43. A copper jacketedfired bullet is usually fired from;
a. Revolver b. Pistol
c. Rifle d. Pistol and Revolver B
44. If a bullet isfired through a weapon in which the lands have been worn down or through a borewhich is slightly oversized. The marks, is called;
a. Skid marks b. Slippage marks
c. Rifling marks d. Shearing marksA
45. A magnified photograph of a small object produce byconnecting a camera with the ocular of a compound microscope
a. Photo Microphotograph b. Microfilm
c. Photomicrograph d. Photograph C
46. Commonly, these marks are found on bullets fired from arevolver due to poor alignment of the cylinder of a bore
a. Shaving marks b. Skid marks
c. Pivot marks d. Landmarks A
47. To impart a motion or rotation of a bullet during itspassage inside the barrel , to insure gyroscopic stability in its flight iscalled;
a. Range b. Gauge
c. Rifling d. Center fire C
48. A metallic cup charged with priming composition ,usually made up of potassium chlorate, antimony sulfide and fulminate ofmercury.
a. Primer b.Gunpowder
c. Cartridge d.Primer cup A
49. A type of firearmwhich the pressure upon the trigger both cocks and release the hammer.
a. Automatic b. Single action
c. Double action d. Slideaction type C
50. Part of Exterior ballistics which refers to the soundcreated at the muzzle end of the barrel.
a. Muzzle energy b. Muzzle blust
c. Muzzle noise d. Range B
51. Placed in the barrels of the firearm to impart a spin onthe bullet that pass through it.
a. Land Rifling b. Rifling
c. Grooves d.All of these C
52. Raised portion between the grooves found inside thebarrel
a. Land b. Caliber
c. Gauge d. Rifling B
53. It refers to theplacement of the right and left specimen in side by side position
a. Drag marks b. Positively matched
c. Juxtaposition d. Pseudomatch C
54. A part of ballistics dealing with firearmsidentification
a. Interiorballistics b. Exterior ballistics
c. Terminal ballistics d. Forensic ballisticsA
55. The tumbling ofthe bullet in its trajectory and hitting the target sideways
a. Key hole shot b.Ricochet
c. Hangfire d. Misfire D
56. A bullet covered with a thick coating of copper alloy toprevent leading.
a. Jacketed bullet b. Metal cased bullet
c. Metal point bullet d. Plated bullet A
57. A smooth boremilitary firearm which has no rifling
a. Shotgun b. Rifle
c. Pistol d. Revolver A
58. This part of the firearm strike the primer causing thefiring pin of the cartridge
a. Hammer b. Ejector
c. Trigger d. Firing pin D
59. The measurement of the bore diameter from land to land
a Gauge b. Mean diameter
c. Caliber d. Rifling C
60. Refers to a complete unfired unit of ammunition placedinto gun chamber
a. Cartridge b.Primer
c. Bullet d.Shell A
61. Failure of a cartridge to discharge
a. Misfire b.Hang fire
c. Ricochet d.Key hole shot A
62. Most common individual characteristics that are visibleon the base portion of then fired cartridge
a. Firing Pin impression b. Ejector marks
c. Extractor marks d. Chamber marks A
63. Needed for a cartridge to be considered as a completeunfired unit
a. Bullet b. Primer
c. Gunpowder d. All of these D
64. Distance that the rifling advances to make one completeturn
a. Pitch ofrifling b. Choke
c. Trajectory d. Recoil A
65. A rearward movement of a firearm from firing
a. Recoil b. Force
c. Back fire d. Shot force A
.66. Refer to thechannels cut in the interior surface of the barrel
a. Rifling b. Land
c. Groove d. Cannelure C
67. Part of the firearmwhich closes the rear of the bore against the force of the charge
a. Breechblock b. Breechface
c. Ejector d. Breechface marks A
68. A smooth bore weapon designed to shoot anumber of lead pellets in one charge
a. Shotgun b. Rifle
c. Musket d. Pistol A
69. An ancient smooth bore weapon designed to shoot a singleround lead ball
a. Shotgun b. Rifle
c. Musket d. Pistol C
70. Part of the firearm which strikes the firing pin
a. Trigger b.Hammer
c. Sear d.Main spring C
71. The science which deals with the effect of the impact ofthe projectile on the target
a. Interior ballistics b. Exterior ballistics
c. Terminal ballistics d. Posterior ballistics B
72. The science of dealing with the motion of projectiles ofthe same time it leaves the muzzles of the firearm to the time it hits thetarget
a. Interior ballistics b. Exterior ballistics
c. Terminal ballistics d. Posterior ballistics C
73. Any metallic body referred to as a bullet
a. Projectile b. Ball
c. Shell d. Missile A
74. Measuring device used to measure the velocity ofprojectiles
a. Caliper b. Chronograph
c. Test bullet d. Bulletrecovery box B
75. A bullet fired from a firearm with anoversized or oily barrel or its lands have been worn down would produce whatkind of marking?
a. Slippage marks b. Skid marks
c. Rifling marks d. Shearing marks A
76. It literary meansdelay in discharge or the cartridge failure to explode on time
a. Misfire b. Hang fire
c. Ricochet d.Key hole shot B
77. The most reliableof all individual characteristics when fired cartridges are concerned.
a. Extractor marks b. Ejector marks
c. Chamber marks d. Breech face mark D
78. When looking a fired bullet, the mark used to identifyit is placed on
a. Its base b. Its side
c. Its side and base d. Its nose A
79. It is produced when the muzzle is held against thetarget or body when fired
a. Smudging b. Tatooing
c. Contact burn d. Contact wound D
80. It is result when the firearm is shot a around 2 to 8inches to the target
a. Smudging b. Tatooing
c. Contact burn d. Contact wound A
81. A barrel of any firearm is legally classified as
a. Part of the firearm b. Nomenclature
c. Accessory d. Complete firearm D
82. Scientific examinationsof bullets and firearms presumably used in the commission of a crime
a. Interior ballistics b. Exterior ballistics
c. Terminal ballistics d. Forensic ballistics D
83. Rifling in the bore ofsmall arms is primary designed for.
a. Increase the speed of thebullet b. Decrease the amount of recoil
c. Increase impact knowledge d. Prevent the bullet fromturning end over in the air D
84. The type of the cartridge whose case has a well definedupstanding rim around the base or simply with rim diameter greater than thebody.
a. Rimmed type b. Semi-rimmed type
c. Rim less type d.Rebated type A
85. The cartridge has a rimless form, but with a closer lookthe rim is slightly greater than the body.
a. Rimmed type b. Semi-rimmed type
c. Rim less type d. Rebated type B
86. Refer to the cartridgewith a rimless pattern, which has a rim diameter smaller than the body of thecase.
a. Rimmed type b. Semi-rimmed type
c. Rim less type d. Rebated type D
87. A type of a cartridge with a case having a rim diameterequal to diameter of the body with an extraction grooves cut around the base.
a. Rimmed type b. Semi-rimmed type
c. Rim less type d. Rebated type C
88. A cartridge with a prominent raise belt around its bodyjust in front of the extraction grooves.
a. Rimmed type b. Semi-rimmed type
c. Rim less type d. Belted type D
89. It is very carefully made replica of a cartridge,usually a tool steel and carefully dimensioned to be used as weapons byinstructor and repairman.
a. Dummy b. Drill ammunition
c. Blank ammunition d. Liveammunition A
90. This type of ammunition is used in mill training topractice loading and manipulation of the gun.
a. Dummy b. Drill ammunition
c. Blank ammunition d. Liveammunition
91. A cartridge without a bullet, containing gunpowder thatis designed to generate a loud noise to indicating firing
a. Dummy b. Drill ammunition
c. Blank ammunition d. Liveammunition C
92. Is the term applied for complete unit of unfired cartridge.
a. Dummy b. Drill ammunition
c. Blank ammunition d. Live ammunition D
93. The projectiles propelled through the barrel by theexpansive force of heated gas, sometimes called slug.
a. Bullet b. Cartridge case
c. Gunpowder d. Primer A
94. The container for thegunpowder, sometimes called shell
a. Bullet b. Cartridge case
c. Gunpowder d. Primer C
95. Sometimes calledPropellant or powder charge when ignited by the primer flash.
a. Bullet b. Cartridge case
c. Gunpowder d. Primer C
96. The chemical compound or priming mixture contained inthe primer cup. This mixture is highly susceptible to friction.
a. Bullet b. Cartridge case
c. Gunpowder d. Primer D
97. Instrument usedin determining more or less weight of bullets and shotgun pellets.
a. Analytical Ballance b. Torsion Ballance
c. Analytical Balance d. TursionBalance C
98. Father of thePercussion of powder
a. Alexander JohnForsyth b. Alexander Forsyth
c. Edward Colt d. Henry Colt A
99. Similar in used like calipers
a. Micrometer b. Mecrometer
c. Micrommeter d. Mecrommeter A
100. It is used primarily forthe examination an interior surfaces of the gun barrel
a. Halexometer b. Helixometer
c. Hallexometer d. Hellixometer B
- Once the light hits a mirror and it bounce back. This called
- Refracted
- Diffracted
- Reflected
- Transmitted C
- When the light hits a transparent glass which would allow the light to pass through its medium. This refers to
- Transmitted
- Refracted
- Reflected
- Diffracted A
- When the light hits a dark colored object and prevents it from either bouncing or passing through. This refers to
- Absorbed
- Reflected
- Transmitted
- Refracted A
- The type of light that produces different sensation when reach the human eye. It is the type of light, which is capable of exciting the retina of the human eye. This refers to
- Invisible Light
- Visible light
- Infra-red light
- White light B
- Lights in which their wavelength are either too short or too long to excite the retina of the human eye i.e. X-ray, Ultra-violet and Infra-red lights. This refers to
- Invisible light
- Visible light
- Infra-red light
- White light A
6. ASAis also known as
A. AssociationStandards American
B. American Standards Association
C. America StandardsAssociation
D. AmericanStandard Associations B
B. American Standards Association
C. America StandardsAssociation
D. AmericanStandard Associations B
7. ISOis also known as
A. InternationalStandards Organization
B. International Standard Organization
C. InternationalStandard Organizations
D. InternationalStandards Organizations B
B. International Standard Organization
C. InternationalStandard Organizations
D. InternationalStandards Organizations B
- The means by which the object’s distance is estimated or calculated to form a sharp or clear image refers to
- Focusing
- Exposure
- Viewing
- Parallax error A
- What contraption or device is used to block the path of light passing through the lens exposing the sensitized material?
- Range finder
- Exposure
- Shutter
- View finder C
- Once the light hits a mirror and it bounce back. This called
A. Reflected
B. Refracted
C. Diffracted
D. Absorbed A
B. Refracted
C. Diffracted
D. Absorbed A
11. Whichof the following film is considered to be the fastest in terms of theirexposure?
A. ASA 100
B. ASA 200
C. ASA50
D. ASA 400 D
B. ASA 200
C. ASA50
D. ASA 400 D
12. Whatpart of the camera that controls the depth of field?
A. Shutter
B. View Finder
C. Focusing Scale
D. Diaphragm D
B. View Finder
C. Focusing Scale
D. Diaphragm D
13. Theapplication of the principles of photography in relation to the police work andin the administration of justice refers to
A. Police photography
B. Police investigation
C. Forensic
D. Photography A
B. Police investigation
C. Forensic
D. Photography A
14. Themechanical and chemical result of Photography is called
A. Police photography
B. Police investigation
C. Photograph
D. Photography C
B. Police investigation
C. Photograph
D. Photography C
15. Whichof the following lens defects will produce a sharp center object but with ablurred sides?
A. Lateral aberration
B. Chromatic aberration
C. Spherical aberration
D. Distortion C
SY2011-2012/2nd Semester
INSTRUCTION: Select thecorrect answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answerfor each item by shading the space corresponding to the letter of your choiceon the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED.
1. It is an act committed by a minor who violates thepenal code of the government refers to:
a. delinquency b. juvenile c. delinquent d. juvenile delinquency D
2. An anti-social or act which does not conform with thestandards of society.
a. delinquency b. juvenile c. delinquent d. juvenile delinquency D
3. One whose behavior has brought him into repeatedconflict with the law, regardless of whether he has been taken before a courtor not refers to:
a. child b. delinquent c. anti-social behavior d. recidivist B
4. The doctrine that does not consider delinquent acts ascriminal violation, thus making delinquents non-criminal persons
a. parenspatriae b. parentspatriae c. RA 9344 d. doctrine on juveniledelinquency A
5. Truancy, running away from home and violating curfeware examples of offenses who committed by:
a. statusoffenders b. juveniledelinquents c. recidivist d. delinquency A
6. One who has internalized his conflicts and ispreoccupied with his own feelings
a. neurotic b. social c. asocial d. accidental A
7. One whose delinquent acts have a cold, brutal andvicious quality for which the youth feels no remorse
a. neurotic b. social c. asocial d. accidental C
8. A delinquent youth who lacks moral conscience
a. neurotic b. social c. asocial d. accidental C
9. One who is essentially sociable and law-abiding buthappens to be at the wrong time and place and becomes involved in delinquentacts.
a. neurotic b. social c. asocial d. accidental D
10. An aggressive youth who resents authority of anyone whomakes an effort to control his behavior
a. neurotic b. social c. asocial d. accidental B
11. An approach that advocates that youth misconduct is adirect result of faulty biology
a. psychogenic b. biogenic c. sociogenic d. phylogenic B
12. Views youthful misdeed as a result of a learningprocess through interactions with other members of society
a. psychogenic b. biogenic c. sociogenic d. phylogenic C
13. Views youthful misdeed as a result of a learningprocess through interactions with other members of society
b. psychogenic b. biogenic c. sociogenic d. phylogenic A
14. ____________ theory believe that delinquent behavior isthe result of youth’s biological make up and life experiences, feel treatmentshould include altering one or more factors that contribute to unlawfulbehavior.
a. trait theory b.biological theory c. positivist theory d. psychological theory C
15. ___________ was the first formal explanation of crimeand delinquency held that human behavior was a matter of choice.
a. trait theory b.choice theory c. biological theory d. psychological theory C
16. According to this theory people weigh the benefit andconsequence of their future actions before deciding on a course of behavior.
a. trait theory b.biological theory c. classicalcal theory d. psychological theory. D
17. The popularity of the ___________ approach was in part responsible for thedevelopment of the prison as an alternative to physical punishment .
a. trait approach b.psychological approach c.biological d. classical approach
18. ___________ theory was derived from positivist theory.
a. classical theory b.biological theory c.psychological theory d. trait theory. D
19. ___________ theory was derived from classical theory.
a. choicetheory b. biologicaltheory c. psychological theory d. trait theory. A
20. View delinquency as essentially psychological.
a. choice theory b.biological theory c. psychological theory d. trait theory. C
21. The first and most basic institution of societyresponsible for developing a child’s potential in all aspects like physical,emotional, spiritual, moral, intellectual and social refers to________________?
a. family b. school c.environment d. home A
22. Considered the second home of a child, with teachers asthe second parents.
a. family b. school c.environment d. home B
23. Institution that responsible for the training of youngpersons intellectual, as well as social skills which they need for them to growup as productive, law- abiding and responsible citizens.
a. family b. school c.environment d. home B
24. The culture, norms and behavior of the child’ssurroundings may very well influence the upbringing of the child especiallyduring their formative years refers to ______________.
a. family b. school c. environment d. home C
25. Children raised in homes with one or both parentsabsent may be prone to anti-social behavior. This contributory factor injuvenile delinquency refers to:
a. familybreak-up b. family deviance c. family conflict d. family competence A
26. Nuclear families that are the product ofdivorce/separation and remarriage, blending one parent from each of twofamilies and their combined children into one family unit, refers to:
a. family break-up b. family deviance c. family conflict d. blended family D
27. Children raised by parents who lack proper parentingskills are more at risk than those whose parents are supportive and effectivelycontrol their children in a non-coercive fashion, refers to:
a. family break-up b. family deviance c. family conflict d. family competence D
28. Parents of delinquent youth have been found to sufferneurological conditions linked to antisocial behaviors, and these conditionsmay be inherited genetically. This study refers to?
a. family break-up b. family deviance c. family conflict d. family competence B
29. ___________________ means placing a child in the temporary care of a family other than itsown as a result of state intervention into problems that are taking placewithin the birth family; can be used as a temporary shelter while a permanent sadoption effort being completed.
a. abandonment b. neglect c. foster care d. abuseC
30. ________________ refers to parents physically leavetheir children with intention of completely severing the parent-childrelationship.
a. fostercare b. neglect c. abandonment d. abuse C
31. ____________ refers to passive neglect by a parent orguardian depriving children of food, shelter, health care and love.
a. fostercare b. neglect c. abandonment d. abuse B
32. ____________ anyphysical, emotional or sexual trauma to a child, including neglecting to giveproper care and attention, for which no reasonable explanation can be found.
a. child abuse b. physical abuse c. physicalneglect d. emotional abuse A
33. Leaving the school before completing the requiredprogram of education refers to?
a. dropping out b. underachievers c. truancy d. absence A
34. Those who fail to meet expected levels of schoolachievement refers to?
a. dropping out b. underachievers c. truancy d. absence B
35. ______________isa direct cause of delinquent behavior. Children who fail at school soon feelfrustrated & rejected.
a. truancy b. underachievers c.school failure d.dropping out C
36. Smallgroups of friends who share intimate knowledge and confidences
a. crowds b. cliques c.controversial youth d. gang B
37. Loosely organized groups who share interests andactivities.
a. crowds b.cliques c. controversialyouth d. gang A
38. Anaggressive kids who either liked or intensely disliked by their peers and whoare the ones most likely to become
engaged in anti-social behavior.
a. crowds b.cliques c. controversial youth d. gang C
39. Groupscontaining law-violating juveniles and adults that are completely organizedwith established leadership &
membership rules refers to?
a. crowds b.cliques c.controversial youth d. gang D
40. Inscriptionsor drawings made on a wall or structure & used by delinquents for gangmessages and turf definition.
a. graffiti b.posting c. representing d. trademark A
41. Asystem of positions, facial expressions & body language used by gangmembers to convey a message.
a. graffiti b. posting c. representing d. trademark B
42. Tossing or flashing gang signs in the presence ofrivals, often escalating into a verbal or physical confrontation refersto? a. graffiti b. posting c. representing d. trademark C
43. Youths inhale vapors from lighter fluid, paint thinner,to reach a drowsy dizzy state sometimes accompanied by hallucination, this isan example of what kind of drugs?
a. inhalants b. sedatives c.tranquilizers d.stimulants A
44. Drugs used by athletes and bodybuilders to gain musclebulk and strength.
a. anabolic steroids b.designer drug c.tranquilizers d. alcoholA
45. Thedried leaves of the cannabis plant. It is the drug most commonly used byteenagers.
a. marijuana b. cocaine c. hashish d.heroin A
46. Juvenile Justice and Welfare Code, refers to?
a. PD 605 b. PD 608 c. PD 603 d.PD 606 C
47. Under this Presidential Decree, it shall apply topersons below ________ years old except those emancipated in accordance withlaw. Juvenile Justice and Welfare Code, refers to?
a.14 b. 17 c. 15 d. 21 D
48. Former ________________ signed this Presidential Decreeon 1974?
a.Pres. Ramos b. Pres. Marcos c. Pres. Quirino d.Pres. Quezon B
49. "Special Protection of Children Against ChildAbuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act.", refers to?
a.RA 9344 b. RA 9262 c. RA 7610 d. RA 9775 C
50. The “VAWC law” of 2004, refers to?
a.RA 9344 b. RA 9262 c. RA 7610 d.RA 9775 B
51. The “Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006” , refersto?
a. RA 9344 b. RA 9262 c. RA 7610 d.RA 9775 A
52. What Republic Act is the Anti-Child Pornography Law of2009?
a. RA 9344 b. RA 9262 c. RA 7610 d. RA 9775 D
53. Any citizen whohas personal knowledge of the crime can file a criminal complaint, thisstatement pertains to?
a. private crime b. public crime c. specialcrime d. personal crime B
54. Refers to any acts that include bodily orphysical harm, refers to what violence/abuse?
a. physical b. economic c. sexual d.psychological A
55. Refers to acts that make or attempt to make awoman financially dependent, pertains to what form of abuse?
a. physical b. economic c. sexual d. psychologicalB
56. Refers to an act which is sexual in nature,committed against woman or her child?
a. physical b. economic c. sexual d.psychological C
57. Refers to an act or omissions causing orlikely to cause mental or emotional suffering of the victim, pertains to whatform of violence/abuse?
a. physical b. economic c. sexual d. psychological D
58. Rape, acts of lasciviousness, makingdemeaning and sexually suggestive remarks are examples of _________ abuse?
a. physical b. economic c. sexual d. psychological C
59. Intimidation, stalking, causing or allowing the victim to witnessabusive injury to pets are examples of _________ abuse?
a. physical b. economic c. sexual d. psychological D
60. Withdrawal of financial support or preventing thevictim from engaging in any legitimate profession occupation, business oreconomic activity, refers to ______________ violence?
a. physical b. economic c. sexual d.psychological B
61. Refers to a situation wherein the parties live ashusband and wife without the benefit of marriage or/are romantically involvedover time and on a continuing basis during the course of relationship, what kind of relationship is this?
a. sexual b. dating c. marital d.one night stand B
62. Refers to asingle sexual act which may or may not result in the bearing of a common child,what kind of relationship is this? a. sexual b. dating c. marital d.one night stand A
63. BarangayProtection Order is effective within ______ days? A
a. 15 b. 30 c. 45 d.60 A
64. TPO iseffective within ______ days?
a. 15 b. 30 c. 45 d.60 A
65. PPO iseffective within ______ days?
a. 15 b. 30 c. 45 d. none of the above D
66. TPO stands for__________ Protection Order?
a. transition b. transitory c. temporary d. temporal C
67. PPO stands for__________ Protection Order?
a. parents b. permanent c. parental d. none of the above B
68. The Inter-Agency Council of ViolenceAgainst Women and Their Children?
a. PNP b. DSWD c. DOJ d. all of the above D
69. Refers torefers to scientifically defined pattern of psychological and behavioralsymptoms that have resulted from cumulative abuse found in woman living inbattering relationship.
a. battery b. physical injury c. battering d. battered woman syndromeD
70. Refers to anact of inflicting physical harm upon the Woman or her child resulting tophysical and psychological oremotional distress?
a. battery b. physical injury c. battering d. battered woman syndrome A
71. Refers to anyrepresentation, whether visual, audio, or written combination thereof, byelectronic, mechanical, digital, optical, magnetic or any other means, of childengaged or involved in real or simulated explicit sexual activities?
a. pornography b. child production c. production d. child pornography D
72. Refers to a website,bulletin board service, internet chat room or news group, or any other internetor shared network protocol address?
a. internet café/kiosk b. internet address c. internet content host d.Internet Service Provider (ISP) B
73. Refers to an establishment that offers or proposes to offerservices to the public for the use of its computer/s or computer system for thepurpose of accessing the internet, computer games or related services.
a. internet café/kiosk b. internet address c. internet contenthost d. Internet ServiceProvider (ISP) A
74. Refers to a person who hosts or who proposes to host internetcontent in the Philippines.
a. internet café/kiosk b. internetaddress c. internetcontent host d.Internet Service Provider (ISP) C
75. Refers to a person or entity that supplies or proposes to supply,an internet carriage service to the public.
a. internetcafé/kiosk b. internet address c. internet contenthost d. Internet Service Provider (ISP) D
76. Refers to the act of preparing a child or someone who the offenderbelieves to be a child for sexual activity or sexual
relationship bycommunicating any form of child pornography. It includes online enticement orenticement through any
other means. a. grooming b. luring c. pandering d.cleaning A
77. Refers to the act of communicating, by means of a computer system,with a child or someone who the offender believes be a child for the purpose offacilitating the commission of sexual activity or production of any form ofchild pornography. a.grooming b. luring c. pandering d.cleaning B
78. Refers to the act of offering, advertising, promoting, representingor distributing through any means any material or purported material that isintended to cause another to believe that the material or purported materialcontains any form of child pornography, regardless of the actual content of thematerial or purported material.
a. grooming b. luring c. pandering d. cleaning