Martes, Setyembre 17, 2013

CS 3 – Human Behavior and Crisis Management

(CS 3 – Human Behavior and Crisis Management)
SY2011-2012/2nd Semester

INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the space corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED.

1. In terms in handling during hostage situation, usually the easiest to deal with considered
relatively rational thinker after assessing the situation and weighting the odds, in most cases comes to terms which the police, refrain from unnecessary violence or useless killings.
A.  Psychotic individual                                             C.  Unprofessional Criminal
B.  Professional Criminal                                         D.  Neurotic criminal
2.  This must be used to asses potentially dangerous situation and bring the parties together in good time to discuss how to resolve  
                   the problems before they become critical.
                A.  Police management techniques                         C.  Crisis management techniques
                B.  Personal management techniques     D.  Tactical Management Technique
3.  The process of dealing with pressurized situation in a way, which plans, organizes, directs, and controls a number of unrelated
                    operations and deciding the decision making process of those in charge to a rapid but unhurried resolution of the acute problem
                   faced by the organization.
                A. Stress management                                            C.  Police management
                B. Crisis Management                                             D.  Personnel Management
4.   It can be used deliberately by people attempting to enforce their point of view or accidentally by Some colossal misjudgment  or
                   long history of compound errors.
                A. Conflict                                                                C. Crisis
                B. Negotiation                                                          D. Critics
5.   It is very important in dealing with hostage situation by police negotiator.
                A. Physical training                                 
                B. Knowledge in sociology
                C. Knowledge in different dialects from the major dialects in our country.
                D. A and C only
6.   It is one of the negotiators action.
                A. Establish contact with hostage taker
                B. Know the identity of the hostage taker
                C. time lengthening
                D. A and C only
7.    It is a rule in crisis management
                A. Commander shall always be the negotiator
                B. Commander does not negotiate
                C. Negotiator does not command
                D. B and C only
8.    Controlling the area with persons directly involved also means
                A. Time lengthening action of the negotiator
                B. Containment
                C. B and C only
                D. Involvement
9.    If the hostage taker refused to talk, the following should be done by the negotiator.
                A. Recommend attack
                B. Decide to introduce the negotiators real name and rank position
                C. Continue to talk and negotiate
                D. Proceed to another plan
10.   It must be done whenever a demand from the hostage taker is given.
                A. Don’t get concession at once, subject interpretation that every demand could be achieved easily
                B. Give it immediately to the hostage taker
                C. Delay the giving of the demand to impress the hostage taker that even simple demand are hard to get.
                D. A and C only
11.    It must be done during face to face negotiation.
                A. Maintaining distance with the object is not necessary, what is important is that the negotiator
                     Had a face to face meeting with the object.
                B. Be very more anxious
                C. Enter the premises without gun pointed at you.
                D. B and C only
12.   A positive effect of time.
                A. Hostage taker rationally increases.
                B. The relationship of the subject and negotiator improves.
                C. Emotional and psychological problems of of the subject further increases.
                D. A and B only
13.   It must be taken into consideration in conducting assault.
                A. Hostage state of mind                                                         C. Negotiators appearance
                B. Negotiators State of mind                                   D. Hostage taker state of mind

14.   During the surrender approach, the following must be done
                A. Start with Positive approach
                B. Its better to the negotiator to talk and talk.
                C. Gradually ask the subject to surrender
                D. A and C
15.    It is an advantage of communication between the hostage taker and negotiator E
                A. It lessens tension of the hostage taker
                B. Gives more time for authorities to plan and coordinate course of action
                C. It is impersonal
                D. A and B only
16.   They are viewed as psychopaths with a cause, under a leader or group. When caught they
                     Rationalize by claiming to be revolutionaries.
                A. Professional criminals                                                          C. Terrorist
                B. Psychotic individual                                                              D. Neurotic
17.  It is a kind of sociopath personality which is unable to deny gratification, so if hostage is a human rape is probability.
                A. Sociable personality                                                            C. Paranoid
                B. Impulsive personality                                                           D. Temperament attitude
18.   A person who believes threatened, persecuted with deeply ingrained suspicion of people.
                A. Paranoid                                                                             C. Professional criminal
                B. Sociopath                                                                            D. Neurotic
19.   During hostage situation this person presents different and somewhat complex problem. He harbors great inner conflicts and
                   frustrations. He may even feel a degree of pleasure from his precarious predicament, as he finds himself important being at the
                    center of attraction a position in his unique life.
                A. Professional individual                                                         C. Psychotic individual
                B. Terrorist                                                                              D. Neurotic
20.   A type of hostage taker whose want is vindication or relief.
                A. Psycho case ( deviant )                                                       C. Prisoners           
                B. Professional Criminal                                                          D. Terrorist
21.    A type of hostage taker whose want is vindication or relief.
                A. Terrorist                                                                              C. Mentally drained
                B. Professional criminal                                                           D. Neurotic Criminal
22.    A type of hostage taker whose wants is political, economic leverage.
                A. Prisoners                                                                             C. Terrorist
                B. Psycho case ( Deviant)                                                       D. Neurotic
23.    A type of hostage taker whose want is to escape, better treatment.
                A. Professional criminal                                                           C. Prisoners
                B. Psycho case ( deviant )                                                       D. Neurotic
24.    A type of hostage taker who suffers from delusion, Hallucination, or sets out his own mission, which he himself does not know.
                A.  Terrorist                                                                             C.  Professional criminal
                B.  Mentally deranged                                                             D.  Neurotic
                CHOICES FROM QUESTIONS NO. 25 TO 29

A.       Negotiator
B.       Personality disorder
C.       Severe depression
D.       Mentally deranged
E.       Sociopath personality

25.    Person charged with establishing communication with hostage A
26.    Reacts on overwhelming stress to take action to relieve stress. He is exempted from criminal liability. D
27.    Suffers from mental aberration. He takes hostage to enforce irrational desires C
                       ( with no acceptable meaning )
28.   Anti-Social. Deeply imagined maladaptive patterns of behavior ( products of child abuse )
                   Unsocialized , incapable of loyalty to individuals and group.B
29.   Traits of character bereft of conscience. E
30.    A type of sociopath personality who is easy going and spend thrift.
                A. Impulsive                                                                                             C. Sociable
                B. Paranoid                                                                                             D. Mentally Deranged
31.    Priorities in this situation are the preservation of life and apprehension of the subject to recover
                   And protect property.
                A. Principle to police management
                B. Principle of hostage  negotiation and recovery
                C. Principle of patrol supervision            
                D. Principle of personnel management
32.    The person who holds other people as a hostage.
                A. Professional criminal                                                                           C. Hostage negotiator
                B. Hostage taker                                                                                     D. Lunatic person
33.    To arrange or settle by conferring discussions.
A. Conference                                                                                         C. Negotiate
B. Hostage taker                                                                                     D. Discussion
34.     Persons hold as security during a hostage taking situation.
                A. Abduction                                                                                            C. Hostage Taker
                B. Hostage                                                                                              D. Negotiator
35.     It is one of the detailed plans to be prepared during a hostage taking situation.
                A. Time scales                                                                                         C. Scope for cooling period.
                B.. Discipline yourself to listen                                                  D.  A and C only     

                From the following blacken A if both statements are correct; B if the first statement is correct and second is incorrect; C if both statement is incorrect; D If the first statement is incorrect and second is correct

36.    The phase crisis management was coined by Robert McNamara at the time of the Panamian D
                      Missile crisis. Crisis management is a phrased used commonly in diplomatic circles but it is
                      Something that happens in any organization where the pressure of events, external forces
                      Management into making urgent decision.
37.    Crisis is caused not by actions of human beings nor by natural disorders, fire, flood, earthquake D
                      And etc. Crisis is not a sudden unforeseen events which perhaps could have not been
38.    The most important thing to do in a crisis is to keep cool. Draw up the preliminary plan of action A
                      Set it out step by step and prepare other contingency plans to deal with eventualities.
39.    A detailed plan in crisis management include s contingency plans to deal with new development  B
                      Or emergencies. A good crisis manager is very indecisive.
40.     Crisis management is no more than good management under pressure and they are the good crisis managers. A
41.    In a hostage situation in any case it become violent, the authorities must always come out as
                A. Aggressor                                                                                           C. Negotiator
                B. Victor                                                                                                   D. None of the above
42.    Priorities in hostage situation are the preservation of life and _____________.
                A. Apprehension of the hostage taker
                B. Preservation of crime scene
                C. Recover and protect property
                D. A and C only
43.    It is an attitude of the negotiator which is a must for him to process.
                A. Hospitable attitude                                                                              C. Calm attitude
                B. Violent attitude                                                                                    D. Passive attitude
44.    In a hostage situation, where the hostage taker is suffering from severe depression,
                     Personality disorder, paranoid and sociopath personality, the commander in order to build
                     Rapport should ____________________-.
                A. Get negotiator of the same race
                B. Get a negotiator residing on the same locality
                C. Get negotiator of the same nationality religion or education
                D.  A & C only
45.   It is a critical rule in hostage taking situation.
                A. Commander does not negotiate, negotiator does not command
                B. Hostage takers demand should always be adhered to
                C. Hostage Life is the only concern of the police
                D. Hostage taker should be assaulted
46.    Controlling situation and area of people involved.
                A. Surrender approach                                                                           C. Containment
                B. Establish contact                                                                 D. Time Lengthening
47.   Start with position approach act as if the hostage taker will surrender. Do not talk too much.
                   Gradually ask hostage taker to surrender.
                A. Time lengthening                                                                                C. Surrender approach
                B. Establish contact                                                                 D. Containment
48.    Give more time for police to organize and coordinate the plan of action.
                A. Surrender approach                                                                           C. Containment
                B. Time Lengthening                                                                               D. Establish contact
49.    Immediately, after positioning at advantage position communicate with the hostage taker
                A. Containment                                                                                       C. Time Lengthening
                B. Establish contact                                                                 D. Surrender approach
50.  Be the caller, planed and be prepared be ready with graceful exit and discipline yourself to listen.
                A. Surrender approach                                                                           C. Establish Contact
                B. Containment                                                                                       D. Telephone Negotiator Technique
51.   During face to face negotiation, the personal distance of the negotiator  with the hostage taker   
                     Should be
                A. 1- 5 feet                                                                                              C. 1-10 feet
                B. 1-3 feet                                                                                               D.  1 foot
52.   The intimate distance of the negotiator with the hostage taker should be
                A. About 12 inches                                                                  C. About 6 inches
                B. About 24 inches                                                                  D.  About 1 foot
53.    It is a positive effect of time
                A. Hostage takers nationality
                B. Hostage Taker- negotiator relationship improves
                C. hostage taker will wear down emotionally, psychologically
                D. Hostage taker will have more time to think
                E.  All of the above

54.   It’s a negative effect of time
                A. Hostage takers demand maybe reduced
                B. Hostage will have more demand for food and water
                C. Anxiety reduced, hostage taker given the chance to organize his true self
                D. All of the above
                E. None of the above
55.   During face to face negotiation, the negotiator should ________________.
                A. Introduced him self as a commander
                B. Maintain distance
                C. Wear body armor
                D. B and C only

                CHOICES FROM QUESTIONS NO. 56 – 60
                                A. Field commander                                                D. Patrol personnel
                                B. Operation aide                                                    E. Assault  team
                                C. Administrative aide

56.   Maintains record operation and units at scene C
57.   Establish contact with hostage taker A
58.   Coordinate assignments of off- duty personnel arriving at scene. Relay orders/information B
                     To personnel involved.
59.   Sharpshooters ( with high powered arms, on flak vest)  E
60.   Contain hostage takers and help evacuate civilians out of the scene D
61.   The implementation of methods to deal with hostage situation is composed of how many phases
                A. Two                                                                                     C Five
                B. Three                                                                                  D. Six

                                A. Phase I ( Scene of incident)
                                B. Phase II ( transit Route)
                                C. Phase III at destination
                                D. Disadvantage of telephone conversation

62.   Begins Upon establishment of position at the scene, done before arrival of convoy C
63    After establishing situation, contain hostage takers and civilians evacuated out of the area of  A
64.   Contain the convoy on the way to destination under negotiator, giving instructions through B
65.   Do not ask demands , hostage takers may not have demand. A
66.    Helicopter to serve surveillance. B
67.  Set up communication with hostage taker. A
68.  Brief assault team and rush them to destination to secure place. B
69.  Give room to negotiate- do not cramp-, avoid disturbance. A
70.  Conserve concessions, hold giving in to demand; if given in at once; demand may come more A
                    More delay works in favor of authorities.

                CHOICES FROM QUESTIONS 71 - 80
                                A. Telephone negotiator technique
                                B.  Advanced telephone conversation
                                C.  Disadvantage of telephone conversation
                                D.  Advantage of communication ( between hostage taker and negotiator)
71.  Gives more time for authorities to plan and coordinate course of action D
72.  Cannot see the hostage reaction C
73.  Conversation is quicker B
74.  It is impersonal C
75   Be the caller ( Talk with the leader only ) A
76.  Plan and prepare A
77.  If hostage taker wont talk, continue negotiating don’t loose hope A
78. Caller has the advantage B
79.  Lessens tension of hostage taker D
80.  Easier to say no. B

                From the following questions blacken A, if both sentences are correct; B if both sentences is incorrect; C if the first sentence is correct and second is incorrect; D if first sentence is incorrect and second is correct.

81.  Physical training- physical conditioning includes weapon disarming method and unarmed A
                    Self defense. Rescue efforts should run from top.
82.  If negotiation fails, final move must be made swiftly with no looking back. In life and  C
                    Death negotiation show of force is unnecessary if there are several hostage takers.
83.  Keep in mind that one hostage taker, shoe off force may be necessary. Patrol units, D
                    assault units should know exactly whose command they are under.

84.  Containment is one way  to ensure hostage negotiation unit is capable of establishing control B
                     Over situation. During face to face negotiation, it is not necessary for the negotiator to
                     Wear armor body.
85.  It is a disadvantage of telephone conversation because it is easier to conclude the conversation. D
                    Important items are more easily committed and this is an advantage of telephone conversation.

86.  It is a rule in hostage negotiation to get something in return for every concession granted like A
                    Aged, sick or youngest hostages. Don’t get  concession at once, its subject to interpretation that
                   You could get easily.
87.  During face to face negotiation, have weapon and tactical back up ( snipers). You can enter as C
                    Negotiator even if gun of the hostage taker is pointed at you.
88.  It is one of the qualities of crisis manager.
                A. They are good leaders providing inspiration to their team
                B. They keep cool
                C. Good manager under pressure
                D. A and C only
                E. All of the above
89.   It is more important during hostages situation.
                A. Improved communication
                B. Efficiency of the police personnel in unarmed combat
                C. Efficiency of the police responding to call emergency
                D. A and C only      
90.   It is a negative effect of time during hostage negotiation.
                A. Exhilarations and boredom may have creeping effects or both hostages takers and authorities
                B. Hostage takers demand may be reduced
                C. Anxiety reduced, hostage taker given chance to0 organize his true self
                D. All of the above
91.   It is one way to ensure hostage negotiation is capable of establishing control over situation.
                A. Containment                                                                                       C. Time Lengthening
                B. Dry run                                                                                                D. Establishing contact
92.   The commander is given the opportunity to choose the members who will constitute the team.
                A. Screening                                                                                            C. Establishing contact
                B. Dry run                                                                                                D. Time Lengthening
93.   In Life and death negotiation, the negotiator should not be friendly; it may be interpreted as ___.
                A. Over confidence                                                                  C. Over zealousness
                B. Weakness                                                                                           D. Surrender
94.   In conducting assault, the team leader must take into consideration the ____________.
                A. Number of the hostage takers their mentality
                B. The serviceability of their weapons
                C. Hostage state of mind
                D. A and C only
95.   In Life and death negotiation, It is necessary if there are several hostage takers
                A. Presence of plenty media personnel
                B. Show of force
                C. Presence of relatives of the hostage taker to help police negotiate]
                D. Display of sophisticated weapons
96.   The hostage taker should not be driven to _________ instead he should be given hope,
                      Security and etc.
                A. Desperation                                                                        C. Suicidal attempts
                B. Hopelessness                                                                      D. All of the above
97.   If negotiation fails, ( situation permits) any assaults must proceed with _____________.
                A. Skills                                                                                    C. Accuracy
                B. Professionalism                                                                   D. All of the above
98. During the surrender approach, the negotiator should_________________.
                A. Know whose command the men and under
                B. Not impose never go to the hostage taker at once
                C. Not talk too much and make sure that hostage taker understand
                D. B and C only
99. During the hostage negotiation, It is one thing which may be considered negotiable.
                A. Media coverage                                                                  C. Transportations
                B. Weapons                                                                             D. A and C
100. In hostage situation, the function of the patrol personnel is _______________.
                A. To establish contact with hostage taker
                B. Contain hostage taker
                C. Help evacuate civilians out the scene
                D. B and C only


2 komento:

  1. Hello. Sa kung sino man ang gumawa ng site na to, maraming salamat sayo. malaking tulong ito sa akin :) God Bless

  2. asan ung human behavior puro crisis management nmn
