Direction: Choosethe letter of the best answer
- Derived from the Greek word “ethos” which means characteristic way of acting.
a. Ethics c.Code of Ethics
b. Professional Ethics d. Ethical behavior
- Set of moral code that every profession subscribes to promote a high standard of ethics in public service, because practice of profession cannot be regulated entirely by legislation.
a. Police Ethics c.Professional Ethics
b. Ethical Standards d. All of the above
- Practical science that treats the principles of human morality and duty as applied to law enforcement.
a. Ethics c.Code of Ethics
b. Police Ethics d.Professional Standards
- The basic mission for which the police exist is to________.
a. Prevent crime and disorder c. Arrest the criminal
b. Investigate crime d. All of the above
- The ability of the police to perform their duties is dependent upon______________.
a. Willing cooperation of the public
b. People’s voluntary observance of the law
c. Public approval of police actions
d. Relationship with the public
- The test of police efficiency is_________________________, not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it.
a. Arrest of a criminal c. Repression of criminal conduct
b. Prevention of crime d. Absence of crime and disorder
- Ability to govern and discipline oneself by means of reason and sound judgment.
a. Prudence c.Fortitude
b. Temperance d.Justice
- Courage to endure without yielding, except one.
a. Endurance c.Physical courage
b. Perseverance d.Perseverance
- Mandated to establish a Code of conduct for the PNP members to foster their individual efficiency, behavioral discipline and organizational effectiveness.
a. PNP Directorate for Plans
b. PNP Directorate for Human Resource andDoctrine Development
c. National Police Commission
d. Internal Affairs Service
- The Code of Conduct for PNP members is necessary to________________.
a. Set the moral tone and norms of professionalconduct in the police service
b. Ensure that PNP members adhere to thefundamental tenets of police service
c. Punish erring police officers
d. Make sure that all police officers liveaccording to the PNP’s Code of Ethics
- When does the PNP’s Ethics Day is celebrated?
a. July 23 c.March 12
b. January 7 d.May 19
- It was culled from the PNP Code of Professional Conduct and Ethical Standards which is anchored on the divine and moral precepts, the constitution, RPC, Anti Graft and Corrupt Practices Law, Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees and other special laws.
a. PNP Ethical Doctrine c. PNP Code of Ethics
b. PNP Ethical Standards d. PNP Professional Ethics
- The Oath of commitment to the PNP Ethical Doctrine is done by the PNP Members on the following occasion, except one-
a. Upon entry to the police service c. Upon promotion to the next higher rank
b. Upon transfer from one office to another d. Upon assumption of office/position
- PNP COPCES is subject to review for possible revision every______.
a. 3 years c.5 years
b. 10 years d.4 years
- PNP members are duty bound to uphold the ethical doctrine and live upon the customs and traditions of the organization. In case of conflict in the practice of the customs and traditions and the performance of duties, which shall prevail?
a. Performance of duties c. Obedience to superior order
b. Practice of customs and traditions d. Law
- Violation of the PNP Ethical Doctrine shall be penalized under, except.
a. RPC, RA 6713 and other Special Laws
b. Rules and Regulations promulgated by theNAPOLCOM
c. Articles of War
d. CSC Rules and Regulations
- PNP Core Values, except.
a. Love of God, respect for authority andselfless love and service for people
b. Sanctity of marriage and family life
c. Obedience to superior officer and supremacyof the law
d. Responsible dominion and stewardship overmaterial things and truthfulness
- An embodiment of the core values and principles which a police officer is sworn to uphold to win the hearts and minds of the people, which is the ultimate objective of police community relations.
a. PNP Code of Professional Conduct and EthicalStandards
b. PNP Police Ethics Manual
c. Code of Conduct for Government Officials andEmployees
d. Law Enforcement Code of Ethics
- The police should realize that the test of law enforcement efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of law enforcement action in dealing with them. One of the following supports the preceding statement.
a. The police must concentrate more on crimeprevention effort
b. The police must work further to improve itscrime solution efficiency
c. The police must always observe maximumtolerance in dealing with civil disturbance
d. The police must at all times respect humanrights
- The reputation of any organization affects the esprit de’ corps, morale and welfare of the members and sense of pride to the organization. Thus, all PNP members should act in a manner that would give best impression to the organization by living to its core values to enhance its-
a. Integrity c.Efficiency
b. Credibility d.Image
- In consonance with the requirements of honor and integrity in the service, PNP members must have the moral courage to sacrifice self-interest in keeping with the time-honored principle of_______________.
a. Honesty c.Delicadeza
b. Moral courage d. Palabra de honor
- The PNP promotes to maintain modest and yet dignified life for its members. They are required to be free from greed, corruption and exploitation.
a. PoliceLifestyle c.Police Integrity
b. PoliceLife d.Police Fairness
- PNP members are restraint to seek political influence on matters pertaining to assignment, award, training and promotion.
a. Influence peddling c. Political patronage
b. Political corruption d. Politicking
- Police_________________ is the performance of duties with integrity, intelligence and competence in the application of specialized skills and technical knowledge with excellence and expertise.
a. Professionalism c. Efficiency
b. Competence d.Effectiveness
- PNP members’ commitment to democratic way of life, valuing and maintaining the principle of accountability, upholding the Constitution and loyalty to the country.
a. Love of Country c. Commitment to Democracy
b. Loyalty to the Flag d. Commitment to the Constitution
- Police Officers should use government properties and resources effectively, honestly and efficiently.
a. Commitment to the government c. Commitment to publicinterest
b. Commitment to ethical standards d. Commitment to public duty
- PSI Jocelyn Cruz was assigned as head of the Violence Against Women and Children Division of the Manila Police District. The Mayor of Manila facilitated her designation in that office. One day a Barangay Chairman known to be a critic of the city mayor went to her office to seek police assistance which she immediately attended to. What police professional conduct did Cruz exercised?
a. Political neutrality c. Non-partisanship
b. Respect for human rights d. Non-politicalpatronage
- SPOIV Antonio Torres was elected twice as president of homeowners association in the barangay where he resides. As homeowners association president, he is credited for maintaining order in the community. His involvement in this civic organization has never prejudice his official duties as member of the PNP. Torres exercise-
a. Social awareness c. Civic duties
b. Social responsibility d. Police communityrelations
- Ethical Doctrine requires PNP members to perform their duties with dedication, thoroughness, efficiency, enthusiasm, determination and manifest concern for public welfare. They are refrain to engage in any activity, which would be in conflict with their duties as public servants.
a. Dedication to the police service c. Work ethics
b. Devotion to duty d. Hard work
- Former PNP Chief DG Nicanor Bartolome required all PNP personnel to plant trees to help in the development and conservation of our natural resources for ecological balance and posterity. This is in compliance with the PNP Professional Conduct of-
a. Conservation of environment
b. Conservation of natural resources
c. Environmental protection
d. Maintenance of ecological balance
- A common feeling of purpose, pride, loyalty and responsibility that unites a disciplined group of people.
a. Unity c.Solidarity
b. Camaraderie d.Esprit de’ corps
- Logical procedures in accomplishing tasks to avoid wastage of time money and effort.
a. Orderliness c.Effectiveness
b. Efficiency d.Discipline
- Taking of legitimate means to achieve the goal despite of internal and external difficulties that may be faced which might weaken the resolve in the course of time.
a. Prudence c.Patience
b. Diligence d.Perseverance
- Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees.
a. RA 6713 c.PD 46
b. RA 7080 d.RA 3019
- Higher level of professional police service is on demand in view of___________.
a. Higher pay rate due to salary standardization
b. Changing economic environment
c. Increasing number of police applicants
d. Changing role of the police
- The police must generate citizens’ support and involvement in the maintenance of peace and order because the police does not operate in a__________.
a. Isolation c.selected location
b. Vacuum d.alone
- When a police officer is taught how to deal with people in a warm and friendly manner, he is trained in________________.
a. Media relations c. Public relations
b. Community relation d. Human relations
- Ideas, actions, habits or experiences that contribute to the promotion of human life.
a. Moral virtues c.Values
b. Virtues d.Moral values
- Person’s choice of values.
a. Personality c.Reputation
b. Character d.Behavior
- Formal act or set of formal acts established by customs or authority as proper to special occasions.
a. Ceremony c.Customs
b. Traditions d.Social Decorum
- A symbol of public faith and public trust.
a. Police uniform c. Police logo
b. Philippine flag d. Police badge
- Love of country is manifested with a pledge of allegiance to the flag and a vow to defend the Constitution.
a. Nationalism c.Patriotism
b. Duty d.Loyalty
- Manifested by instinctive obedience to lawful orders, thorough spontaneous actions towards attainment of organizational objectives guided by moral, ethical and legal norms.
a. Respect for authority c. Gentlemanliness
b. Discipline d.Camaraderie
- A set of norms and standards practiced by the PNP members during social activities and other functions.
a. Social Decorum c. Discipline
b. Customs d.Social Etiquette
- The reciprocal attitudes between the police and the community.
c. Police public relations c. Police communityrelations
d. Human relations d. Community relations
- Aspects of police community relations except-
a. Community involvement c. Community service
b. Community participation d. Public relations
- Not among the activities of police community relations
a. Police Media Relations
b. Public relation and Inter-Agency Coordination
c. Civic Assistance and Development
d. Community Organization and Mobilization
- PCRG is the office in the PNP which tasks to win the trust, confidence and support of the people in the framework of____________________________.
a. Do good and tell the people about it
b. Be good and the people will like it
c. Tell the people of the good intention of thepolice
d. Involve the people in police work
- What is the chief cornerstone of an effective police community relation program?
a. The individual police officer c.Law violators
b. The people in the community d. Complainants
- Police community relations is designed to____________________.
a. Bring citizens’ support to criminal justicecomponents, remove apathy, and cause total community involvement
b. Encourage police officers to project betterimage
c. Promote a set of examples to citizens
d. Win the cooperation of the people
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