Martes, Setyembre 17, 2013



Enhance more your mind by going over these jumbled questions. These questions are extracted from the six areas of study in criminology specifically prepared as a BONUS review pointer. Some of these questions were selected from the First series and the Second series of MY QUIZZER IN CRIMINOLOGY.

INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions.  Mark only one answer for each item by marking the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 1 only.

MULTIPLE CHOICE                                            SET ONE

1.    His key ideas are concentrated on the principle of “Survival of the Fittest” as a behavioral science. He advocated the “Somatotyping Theory”.
A. W Sheldon
B. R Merton
C. E Sutherland
D. Ivan Nye
2.    What is means of “R” in the criminal formula?
A.  Total Situation
B.  Criminal Tendency
C.  Temperament
D.  none of these
3.    The term use to refer to the adverse psychological impacts of rape on rape victims who continue to suffer long after the incident.
A.  Sexual Anxiety
B.  Rape Trauma Syndrome
C.  Fear
D.  Neurotic Behavior
4.    The term white- collar crime was coined by
A.  E. Sutherland
B.  R. Quinney
C.  E. Durkheim
D.  C. Darwin
5.    The field of criminology is a multi-disciplinary science. One of its aspect is the study of crime focused on the group of people and society which is known today as:
A.  Criminal Psychology
B.  Criminal Sociology
C.  Criminal Psychiatry
D.  Criminal Etiology
6.    In as much as crime is a societal creation and that it exist in a society, its study must be considered a part of social science. This means that criminology is __.
A.  Applied science   
B.  Social Science    
C.  Natural Science  
D.  All of these
7.    Criminology changes as social condition changes. This means the progress of criminology is concordant with the advancement of other sciences that has been applied to it. This means that criminology is _____.
A.  Dynamic
B.  Excellent
C.  Progressive
D.  None of these
8.    The theory in criminology, which maintains that a person commits crime or behaves criminally mainly because he or she is being possessed by evil spirits or something of natural force that controls his/her behavior is called:
A.  Devine Will Theory
B.  Demonological Theory
C.  Classical Theory
D.  All of these
9.    The Italian leader of the positivist school of criminology, who was criticized for his methodology and his attention to the biological characteristics of offenders, was:
A.  C Lombroso
B.  C Beccaria
C.  C Darwin
D.  C Goring
10.  The Latin term POENA means:
    1. Penalty
    2. Pain
    3. Punishment
    4. Police
11.  Former warship used to house to house prisoners in the 18th and 19th C were called:
    1. Gaols
    2. Galleys
    3. Hulks
    4. Lavons
12.  Public humiliation or public exhibition also mean:
    1. public execution
    2. social degradation
    3. banishment
    4. public trial
13.  During the 16th up to the 18th century, a criminal may be sent away from a place carried out by prohibition to coming against a specified territory. This is an ancient form of punishment called:
    1. Exile
    2. Banishment
    3. Transportation
    4. public trial
14.  The theory in penal science which maintains that punishment gives lesson to the offender and the would be criminals is called:
    1. Deterrence
    2. Incapacitation
    3. Reformations
    4. public safety
15.  One of the following represents the earliest codification of the Roman law, which was incorporated into the Justinian Code.
    1. 12 Tables
    2. Burgundian Code
    3. Hammurabic Code
    4. Code of Draco
16.  The generic term that includes all government agencies, facilities, programs, procedures, personnel, and techniques concerned with the investigation, intake, custody, confinement, supervision, or treatment of alleged offenders refers to:
    1. Correction
    2. Penology
    3. Criminal Justice
    4. the base pillar
17.  The science, which deals with the study, comparison and identification of weapons alleged to have been used in the commission of a crime referred to ___.
    1. Ballista
    2. Ballistica
    3. Forensic
    4. Forensic Ballistics
18.  Those that are left behind by the criminal perpetrator in the scene of the crime, which have significance in criminal investigation are called __.
    1. Weapons
    2. Criminal Evidence
    3. Instrumentation
    4. Crime fruits

19.  The study of physical evidences such as blood, bloodstains, fingerprints, tool marks, etc. through a laboratory work refers to ___.
    1. Criminalistics
    2. Investigation
    3. Interrogation
    4. Police Science
20.  One of the following is a vital investigative tool that has helped in the reconstruction of crime and the identity of suspects as well as victims because it is a factual and accurate record of the crime.
    1. Police works
    2. Photography  
    3. Crime Scene Investigation
    4. All of these
21.  It refers to the collection of photographs of known criminals and their identities that is placed together in one file. This is known as ___.
    1. Police File
    2. Mug File
    3. Individual File
    4. Album
22.  The criminal activity by an enduring structure or organization developed and devoted primarily to the pursuit of profits through illegal means commonly known as ___.
    1. Organized crime
    2. Professional Organization
    3. White collar crime
    4. Blue collar crime
23.  What is the literal meaning of the term Cosa Nostra?
    1. One thing
    2. Omerta
    3. Two Things
    4. 5th estate
24.  The strict code of conduct that governs the behavior of the Mafia members is called ___.
    1. Omerta
    2. Triad
    3. Silencer
    4. Mafioso

25.  The group of drugs that are considered to be mind altering and gives the general effect of mood distortion are generally called
    1. Sedatives
    2. Hypnotic
    3. Hallucinogens
    4. Tranquillizers
26.  Drugs like glue, gasoline, kerosene, ether, paint, thinner, etc. are called:
    1. Solvents
    2. Deliriants
    3. Inhalants
    4. All of these
27.  Cocaine is a stimulant drug; LSD is a
    1. Hallucinogen
    2. Narcotic
    3. Solvent
    4. Depressant
28.  What opium preparation is combined with camphor to produce a household remedy for diarrhea and abdominal pain?
    1. Tincture of opium
    2. Raw opium 
    3. Paregoric
    4. Granulated opium
29.  The group of drugs that when introduced into the system of the body can produce mental alertness and wakefulness
    1. Stimulants
    2. Uppers
    3. Speeds
    4. All of these
30.  The hallucinogenic alkaloid from a small Mexican mushroom used by Mexican Indians to induce nausea and muscular relaxation is called:
    1. Psilocybin
    2. STP
    3. DMT
    4. Ibogaine
31.  What do you call the most powerful natural stimulant?
    1. Erythroxylon coca
    2. Heroin
    3. Beta Eucaine
    4. Cocaine Hydrochloride

32.  What is the most important constituent of opium?
    1. Morphine
    2. Heroin    
    3. Codeine
    4. Cocaine
33.  What drug is known as the “assassins of the youth”?
    1. Heroin
    2. Cocaine
    3. Marijuana
    4. Shabu
34.  Which of the following is a drug known in the street as “angel dust”
    1. Mescaline
    2. Diethyltryptamine
    3. Phencyclidine
    4. Psilocybin
35.  In acute cases withdrawal of drugs causes serious physical illness also called abstinence syndrome. It is also otherwise known as:
    1. Psychological dependence
    2. Physical dependence
    3. Drug Addiction
    4. “Cold Turkey”
36.  It is defined as a crime where a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his or her occupation commits the criminal act.
    1. Labor Crimes
    2. Organized Crimes
    3. High Collar crimes
    4. White collar crime
37.  The groups of crimes categorized as violent crimes (Index crimes) and property crimes (Non Index crimes) are called ___.
    1. Conventional crimes
    2. Non-conventional Crimes
    3. Felony
    4. Offense
38.  These crimes are also called moral offenses or vice. Many of these crimes generally refer to Public Order Crimes – an offense that is consensual and lacks a complaining participant.
    1. Victimless crimes
    2. Consensual crimes   
    3. Sexual crimes
    4. A & B only
39.  Penitentiary generally refers to
    1. Prison
    2. Place of Confinement
    3. Penal Colony 
    4. All of these
40.  One under the custody of lawful authority by reason of criminal sentence is __.
    1. Prisoner
    2. Inmate
    3. Detainee
    4. All of these
41.  The theory in which reformation is based upon, on the ground that the criminal is a sick person.
    1. Positivist Theory
    2. Classical Theory
    3. Neo Classical School
    4. Sociological Theory
42.  Any act committed or omitted in violation of a public law forbidding or commanding it.
    1. legal act
    2. Crime
    3. Poena
    4. Punishment
43.  A rule of conduct, just, obligatory, enacted by legitimate authority for the common observance and benefit.
    1. Regulation
    2. City Ordinance
    3. Law
    4. Lawful Act
44.  The so called “forgotten person” in the criminal justice process.
    1. Police
    2. Criminal
    3. Judge
    4. Victim
45.  The term used to refer to the putting of a person to jail or prison by reason of service of sentence.
    1. Imprisonment
    2. Confinement
    3. Reformation
    4. All of these

46.  The knowledge acquired by the investigator from various sources.
    1. Intelligence
    2. Information
    3. Surveillance
    4. all of these
47.  It is the Latin term referring to "caught in the act" of performing a crime.
    1. Nullum Crimen
    2. Dura lex sed lex
    3. Ignorancia lex excusat
    4. none of these
48.  A system of coordinated activities, group of people, authority and leadership and cooperation towards a goal is called
    1. Formal Organizations
    2. Informal Organizations
    3. Police Administration
    4. All of the above    
49.  An indefinite and unstructured organization that has no definite subdivision and comprised of unconscious group feelings, passions and activities of individuals is referred to as:
    1. Formal Organizations
    2. Informal Organizations
    3. Police Administration
    4. None of the above
50.  The study of the processes and conditions of the Law Enforcement pillar that is also called “police in action”:
    1. Police Management
    2. Police Organization
    3. Organizational Structure
    4. Police Administration
51.  The ability of police administrators in winning support for departmental programs from people with in the department as well as the citizens is called:
    1. Community relation
    2. Police Leadership
    3. Police planning
    4. Community Policing
52.  The extent to which an authority is concentrated or dispersed is called:
    1. Unity of Direction
    2. Centralization
    3. Scalar of Chain
    4. Unity of Command B
53.  The principle of organization suggesting that communication should ordinarily go upward and downward through establish channels in the hierarchy is
    1. Chain of Command
    2. Unity of Command
    3. Span of Control
    4. Delegation of Authority
54.  The principle of organization that results from the division of force into separate units to perform individual task is called
    1. Specialization
    2. Chain of Command
    3. Organizational Structure
    4. All of the above
55.  The staff specialist or unit in line organization that provides service knowledge is known as:
    1. Line and Staff Organization
    2. Functional Organization
    3. Line Organization
    4. Structural Organization
56.  A type of organizational structure in which quick decisions are made because of direct line authority and discipline is easily administered is called:
    1. Line and Staff Organization
    2. Functional Organization
    3. Line Organization
    4. Functional and Staff Organization
57.  The placement of subordinate into the position for which their capabilities best fit them is referred to as:
    1. Staffing
    2. Organizing
    3. Directing
    4. Planning
58.  A theory underlying the system of our criminal law, of which Rafael Garafalo and Enrico Ferri, including Dr. Cesare Lombroso, were the greatest exponents, that crime is considered as essentially asocial and natural phenomenon.
    1. Juristic or classical theory        
    2. Positivist or realistic theory
    3. Punitive theory
    4. Non- punitive theory

59.   One of the characteristics of criminal law, where penal laws do not have retroactive effect, except in cases where they favor the accused charged with felony and who are not habitual criminals.                     
    1. Retrospective
    2. General
    3. Territorial
    4. All of the foregoing
60.   Are those crimes committed against the society which produce direct damage or prejudice common to all its members.
    1. Private crimes
    2. Public crimes
    3. Felony         
    4. Infractions
61.  Are those crimes committed against individuals, particularly against their chastity, but which do not produce danger or prejudice common to other members of society.
    1. Private crimes
    2. Public crimes
    3. Felony
    4. Infractions
62.   Are those acts and omissions committed not only by means of deceit, but also by means of fault and are punishable by law.
A.  Justifying circumstances
B.  Felonies
C.  Exempting circumstances
D.  Attempted felony
63.  Is committed whenever the offender commences the commission of a crime directly by overt acts but does not perform all the acts of execution which should produce the felony as a consequence by reason of some cause or accident other than his own spontaneous desistance.
A.  Frustrated felony
B.  Attempted felony
C.  Consummated felony
D.  Felony

64.  From among the following, which is correct?
    1. RA 6975, Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 which took effect on June 7, 2002
    2. RA 9165, Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 which took effect on July 4, 2002
    3. RA 6975, Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972, took effect on March 2, 1972
    4. RA 6425, Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 which took effect on July 4, 2002
65.  What is the term used to describe the intoxicating effect of a drug in the lingo of the drug users?
    1. Stoned
    2. Rush
    3. High
    4. Trip
66.  The drug heroin was a chemically synthesized of
    1. Morphine
    2. Opium Juice    
    3. Codeine
    4. Coca paste
67.  What group of countries where the first important drug traffic route was organized from drug discovery up to marketing?
    1. Peru-Uruguay-Panama-Columbia
    2. The Golden Triangle
    3. Middle East- Europe-U.S
    4. The Golden Crescent
68.  What part of the globe is the principal source of all forms of cocaine?
    1. South East Asia
    2. South America
    3. Middle East
    4. South West Asia
69.  The Golden Triangle is for the Chinese Triad, Columbia and Peru is for:
    1. La Cosa Nostra
    2. Cammora
    3. Medellin Cartel
    4. YAKUZA
70.  The drug addict who shows many “tracks” from injection of hypodermic needles is mostly addicted to:
    1. liquid amphetamine
    2. heroin
    3. shabu
    4. freebase cocaine
71.  The drug addict or user generally acquires the drug habit because of being:
    1. powerless and less self control
    2. emotionally unstable
    3. socially maladjusted
    4. all of these
72.  In knowing the history of drug taking of a person, the best information is taken from:
    1. trained psychologist
    2. doctors or physicians
    3. laboratory results
    4. patient himself
73.  When the drug dependent develops changes in the normal functioning of the brain that can be manifested in undesirable conditions, he suffers from mental invalid. Mental invalid in the context of drug abuse means:
    1. mental deterioration due to drug addiction
    2. loss of will power to quit from drug use
    3. loss of contact with reality
    4. distortion of sensory perception
74.  A drug abuser, because of his use of unsterilized paraphernalia, tends to develop low resistance and becomes susceptible to various infections such as:
    1. stomach cancer
    2. head aches and body pains
    3. communicable diseases
    4. loss of appetite
75.  Any private person who shall enter the dwelling of another against the will of the latter
    1. none of these
    2. trespassing to dwelling
    3. light threats 
    4. usurpation 
76.  Which of the following types of accident is most decreased by the installation of traffic light?
    1. Cross traffic accidents
    2. Misunderstanding between motorist and traffic officers
    3. Accidents of confusion
    4. Accidents of decision of right of way
77.  Is that which is not excluded by the law as tending to prove a fact in issue
    1. material evidence
    2. relevant evidence
    3. direct evidence
    4. competent evidence

78.  The use of one or more electrical appliances or devices which draw or consume electrical current beyond the designed capacity of the existing electrical system
    1. self-closing door
    2. jumper
    3. overloading
    4. oxidizing material
79.  The method of determining and finding the best way to remedy the specific cause or causes of the complaint or grievance refers to _____.
    1. investigation procedure
    2. cross examination
    3. grievance procedure
    4. criminal procedure
80.  When people are considered as source of information, the experienced police officer
    1. recognizes that persons from all walks of life represent potential investigative resources
    2. develops his contracts only with law abiding citizens
    3. restricts his efforts to members of the departments
    4. concentrates all his efforts to acquire informants only from criminal types
81.  Macho means    
    1. assertive      
    2. angry     
    3. heroic
    4. stubborn
82.  The adjudication by the court that the defendant is guilty or is not guilty of the offense charged and the imposition of the penalty provided by law on the defendant who pleads or is found guilty thereof
    1. judgment
    2. false informant
    3. information
    4. admission
83.  A clandestine operation in a police parlance means:
    1. covert intelligence
    2. surveillance
    3. secret activity
    4. overt intelligence

84.  Any motor vehicle accident that result in injuries other than fatal to one or more persons.
    1. non-fatal injury accident
    2. fatal accident
    3. traffic law enforcer
    4. property damage accident 
85.  An enclosed vertical space of passage that extends from the floor to floor, as well as for the base to the top of the building is called
    1. sprinkle evidence
    2. vertical shaft
    3. flash point
    4. standpipe system
86.  A word or group of words that express a complete thought.
    1. adverb 
    2. verb      
    3. subject   
    4. sentence
87.  When an investigator finds a tool a the crime scene, he should first of all:
    1. pick it up for closer examine taking care not to jar it.
    2. Compare the cutting edge of the tool with the impressions to determine if this was the tool used in the crime.
    3. immediately collect it and always send it to the crime laboratory for scientific examination
    4. wait until the crime scene has been sketched or photographed and measurements taken before he collects the evidence
88.  A wall designated to prevent the spread of fire having a fire resistance rating of not less than four hours with sufficient structural stability to remain standing even if construction on either side collapses under the fire conditions.
    1. Wood rack
    2. fire wall    
    3. post wall    
    4. fire trap
89.  The presence of the symptom of alcohol intoxication with out smell of alcoholic breath  is a sign that the suspected person is under the influence of:
    1. Amphetamine drug
    2. Barbiturates
    3. Hallucinogens
    4. Narcotics
90.  In a state of agitation and dullness of the mind as a result of drug, the dependent becomes careless and losses concentration on his job. This may cause to:
    1. accident in the home
    2. accident at work
    3. dependence to family resources
    4. Withdrawn forgetfulness
91.  Drugs that are categorized as uppers or speeds can give the following symptoms of abuse, except:
    1. dilation of pupils
    2. sudden burst of laughter
    3. increasingly inactive
    4. wakefulness
92.  The burning of a small quantity of the suspected substance and determining the odor or smell having similar to burnt banana leaves or has a sweetish odor is a field test that can reveal the drug ___.
    1. Marijuana
    2. Opium
    3. Coca leaves
    4. Peyote Cactus
93.  The drug that is obtained from the alkaloid of the leaves of the Erythorxylon coca and the other species of Erthroxlon Linne, or by synthesis from ecgoine and its derivatives is called:
    1. Heroin
    2. Sodium Carbonate    
    3. Codeine
    4. Cocaine
94.  “Bennies” and “dexies” are for amphetamines; “red devils” and “double trouble are for ___.
    1. Demerol
    2. Sulfates
    3. Barbiturates
    4. Deliriants
95.  What kind of drug examination is made during the initial investigation conducted by the first responding officers?
    1. Field Testing
    2. Laboratory Analysis
    3. Color Reaction Testing
    4. all of these

96.  Duquenois-Levine test is for marijuana; Symone’s test is for:
    1. Shabu
    2. Cocaine
    3. Opium derivatives
    4. Amphetamine
97.  The presence of drug paraphernalia at the drug scene in the form of syringe and needle, tourniquet, spoon or bottle top “cookies” and tinfoil packet reveals that the drug being administered are:
    1. tablet drugs
    2. capsule drugs
    3. liquid drugs
    4. marijuana leaves
98.  The body sign, in narcotic death investigation, of bluish discoloration of the face and or fingernails due to insufficient oxygenation of the blood caused by increase in carbon dioxide in the body is called:
    1. Petechial hemorrhage
    2. Cyanosis
    3. Asphyxia
    4. Hematoma
99.  What is called the “visual evidence” in drug related cases?
    1. Needle marks/tracks
    2. Asphyxiation
    3. Skin diseases
    4. Internal body signs
100. What kind of alcohol is used in alcoholic drinks?
    1. Methyl Alcohol
    2. Ethyl Alcohol
    3. Brewery
    4. Ethylene

- End of Set One -

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