Martes, Setyembre 17, 2013



    A . Definitions
Thecalculated use of violence or the threat of violence to attain goals, oftenpolitical or ideological in nature. Through fear, intimidation or coercion. Itusually involves a criminal act often symbolic in nature and intended toinfluence an audience beyond the immediate victim.

Aviolent criminal behavior designed to generate fear in the community or asubstantial segment of it, for political purposes.

    B. Three Groups or Terrorist
         1.National terrorist-a terrorist who operates and aspires to win political power within a single nation.
         2. Transnational Terrorist- a terrorist whooperates across national borders, whose actions and
              Political aspirations affectindividual of more than one nationality.
        3. International Terrorist- a terrorist who is controlled by, and whoseactions represent the interest
           of a  sovereign state.

   C. Group Classification and Motivation ofTerrorist
1.    Minority Nationalistic Group - groups fighting themajority of the community where the support base will depend on ethnic,religious, or linguistic minorities at odds with the majority community.
2.    Marxist Revolutionary Group- the terroristmovement is characterized by its possession of coherent Marxist, ideology, orany persuasion, and of a long-term strategy for bringing about a socialistrevolution.
3.    Anarchist Group- there who bring lawlessness and disorder,which is natural state in which human exist
4.    Pathological Groups- A phenomenon of individuals ratherthan specific groups. Their motivations normally have more to do with personalinadequacy, hatred of family or specifically identified persons or things, thanwith acquired ideology.

5.    Neo-Fascist and Extreme Right Wings Groups- Those who appear tocounter the activities of the left and may pose a more serious threat tosecurity forces than the more traditional terrorist groups.
6.    Ideological Mercenaries- It is new for ofterrorism from man and women, who for the sake of shared ideology and commonfaith in worldwide revolution, rather than money, are ready to cross-frontiersto pursue their causes.

  D. Phases of a terrorist Attack

       1. Pre-incident Phase- The planning of the event, normally based onthe intentions short-rang objectives and long-term strategy and on informationand experience. This is by for the most important for it involveintelligence-gathering activities through surveillance, target penetration andeven the use of informants, logistics preparations, including he acquisitionand transportation of radios, arms, ammunition and explosives, and rehearsals.During this phases secrecy and operations security are of outmost important forsuccess.

     2. Initiation Phase- This is the point of no return. It is the event thatmarked the beginning of the operation. It is marked by movement of theobjective, followed by the detonation of a bomb, or an ambush. The physicaltaking of hostages. It is the most unnerving for the terrorist since they haveno absolute control over the consequences.

     3. Climax Phase- It may follow the initiation phases as in a single bombincident, or may host for days or weeks as in a live hostage situation. Theclimax marks the end of the incident.

     4. Post-Incident Phase- it us the time when the terrorist regroupand engage in self-criticism. The
criticism will provide valuable input for thepre-incident phases of subsequent operations.

a.    Common Tactics ofTerrorist

1. Bombing
2. Hoaxes
3. Arson
4. Hijacking
5. Ambush
6. Kidnapping
7. Hostage-taking


Direction: Choose the letter ofthe best answer. There is only one correct answer.

1.In general, hostage takers are emotionally tense, when trapped expand a greatdeal of emotional,    
physicaland psychic energy, hence,
a. Swift and precise attack will be oneadvantage for the authorities
b. Shortening the time will pressed him tosurrender
c. Prolonging the passage of time shall wearthem down
d. Aggravating their stress will lead them tosurrender
2.The following are manifestations of a calm attitude of a negotiator which areadvisable in dealing with a hostage situation except:
a. Avoid words/ actions that could have theappearance of ego threat
b. Be firm and avoid indecision orambivalence
c. Build a rapport with the hostage taker
d. Giving the hostage taker of their demandswhich are negotiable
3.When a highly trained and motivated group of hostage takers asked non-negotiable demands, they were left with three options, a) Choose martyrdome,kill hostages and commit suicide, b) lessen demands to more realisticproportions; and c) surrender. If they choose martyrdome and kill hostages, theuseful action is---
a. Attack themswiftly with precision
b. Withhold the media from terrorist
c. Give all of their demands
d. Let the hostages killed
4.A strong attachment of the hostage victim to their captors after a long periodof captivity, by which they become a sympathizer of the hostage takers
a. Hostage Victim Syndrome                         c. StockhlomSyndrome
b. Hostage Trauma Syndrome                       d. Attachment Syndrome
5.In a hostage situation, non-verbal communication which indicates openness andwillingness to listen can be shown by
a. A posture of a folded arms in a dominantposition
b. Calmly repeating words of comfort orassurance
c. By not attempting to trick or lie
d. Keeping arms open and with other gesturethat indicates that you are willing to negotiate
6.The best approach in negotiating with a Paranoid Schizophrenic hostage taker is
a. To accept their beliefs as being true
b. To try to commence them that their beliefsare wrong
c. To show them that they are just crazy
d. To try to bluff or trick them
7.The following are reasons, why common criminals are easy to negotiate except:
a. Fears of police assault and punishment    
b. Criminals are usually rational thinkers
c. They are familiar with police operationsand tactics
d. Their ultimate desire is to surrender andtheir possible punishment could be mitigated
8.Which of the following is not the reason why dealing with the terrorist hostagetakers is difficult?
     a.Terrorists are usually highly-trained combatants who have been politically andideologically                   indoctrinated
b. Terrorists acts as part of a group, andtheir behavior will be pressured by group dynamics.
c. The terroristhostage-taking drama is capable of producing conflicts of principles that arenot easy to     
d. Most of theterrorist groups receive training in the techniques that will be used againstthem in the   country chosen for theattack.
9.To control the hostage-taking situation it means the following conditions arepresent, except
a. Absolutecontainment of the perpetuator
b. By placing a set-up for a bargainingposition
c. Evaluation and isolation of the targetarea
d. Effective command and control activitiesfor coordination and proper decision- making
10.The negotiators in hostage-taking incident should strive to
a. Be mediators not arbitrators
b. Refute all views of the terrorists
c. Promise that all their demands be met
d. Set the pace, mood and topic ofconversation be themselves
11.A negotiation team should always have an
a. Officer in charge                                         c.Sharpshooter
b. Media men                                                 d.Photographer
12.One of the following is not a terrorist tactics
a. Bombing                                                    c.Assassination
b. Hostage-taking                                           d. Media exposure
13.Which of the following is not a terrorist goal?
a. Worldwide/ local recognition
b. Disruption of community and mobility
c. Harassment, embarrassment weakening ofgovernment
d. Understanding of social environment
14.There are three categories of terrorists which of the following does not belongto the classification of terrorist            
a. Crusaders                                                 c.Criminals
b. Crazies                                                     d.Preachers
15.It is an effective planning, formulation of policies, procedures and techniquesfor dealing with sudden violent acts of terrorists
a. Crisis Management                                    c. StressManagement
b. Hostage negotiation                                  d.Police Analysis
16.Kidnappers may ________their kidnap victims, due to attritional factors, use ofnegotiations, and use of force by law enforcement authority
a. Kill                                                           c.Ransom
b. Keep                                                        d.Release
17.In hostage negotiations, one good communication techniques is thru the use of ­____________opening statements
a. Specific                                                    c.Trembling
b. Aggressive                                               d.Broad
18.The negotiators in any hostage situation must be credible,________, collectedand trained
a. Opportunist                                              c.Aggressive
b. Cool                                                         d. Coward
19.In urban are alike Metro Manila, the communist terrorist commonly used _______in their assassination activities
a. Bladed weapons                                       c. Handguns
b. Grenades                                                 d.Machine Guns
20.The NPA sparrows capitalize on these activities of their targets in order toassassinate them
a. Extra- curricular activities                           c. Patternedmovements
b. Limited movements                                   d. Leisure activities
21.Collection of money or goods, from the people by the insurgents is known as:
a. Pledge                                                     c. Forced taxation
b. Support                                                    d.Contribution
22.Which of the following is not one of the tactical procedures in hostage- takingsituation
a. Containment of the hostage position
b. Communication and surveillance
c. Recovery and prevention of hostage-taking
d. Assault alternative            
23. Itis characterized by anxiety, depression and phobia.
a.  Psychoses                                               c.Neuroses
b. Abnormality                                             d.Psychopathy
24. Adistortion or reality such as delusion, hallucination and regression.
a.                                                                      Psychoses                    c.Neuroses
b.                                                                     Abnormality                  d. Psychopathy
25. Studythat deals with criminal behavior.       
a.                                                                      CriminalSociology                    c.Criminal Psychology
b.                                                                     Criminology                  d. Criminal Psychiatry
26. Personalitydisorder is defined as the aberration in the development process leading tomaladaptive behavior. Maladaptive behavior means:
a.                                                                      Falsesensory perception
b.                                                                     Theperson has a false belief
c.                                                                      Deviation from morality or acceptable normality
d.                                                                     Delusionalthinking
27. Hallucinationis experience by having
a.                                                                      Falsebelief                   c. maybe awarebut could not
b.                                                                     False sensory perception                       d. deviation frommorality or acceptable  normality
28.Delusion ismanifested by a person who
a.                                                                      Deviatesfrom morality or acceptable normality
b.                                                                     Has false belief
c.                                                                      Hasfalse sensory perception
d.                                                                     Psychophysiologicaldisorder
29.     Whena woman does not want to have a heterosexual relationship but seek to have abasic attention or love, and when she gets it, she is fainted. That woman isclassified as suffering—
a.                                                                      Passive-aggressivedisorder                  c. Compulsivepersonality
b.                                                                     Hysterical personality disorder               d. Depressive neuroses
30.     Itis characterized by the general loss of interest to environment, which includehis home, family, work or schooling and a tendency to be more critical withoutjustification or apparent reason.
a.                                                                      Generalanxiety             c. DepressiveNeuroses
b.                                                                     Anxietyneuroses                       d. psychoses
31.     Whena person is experiencing a delusion of persecution or grandeur or auditoryhallucination, he is suffering—
a.  Simpleschizophrenia                                c.Dissociative Neuroses          
b.  Paranoidschizophrenia                             d. Hebeborenic schizophrenia
32.     Aperson who has unimpaired intellect but lost a power of self-control. Itincludes unprincipled businessman, crooked lawyers, high pressured salesman
a.                                                                      Psychopathic behavior              c.Psychotic behavior
b.                                                                     NeuroticBehavior                      d. Paranoid behavior
33.     Itsmain cause is the parent rejection, absence or parental discipline which ifpresent, is inconsistent and lenient in form during the early childhooddevelopment.
a.                                                                      Paranoidbehavior                     c. Psychoticbehavior
b.                                                                     Neuroticbehavior                      d.psychopathic behavior
34.   Itis characterized by high level of anxiety, suspiciousness, distrust are coreelements; seclusive, don't confide to others, if he does, expect betrayal, ifthere is a laughter suspect that it is directed to him
a.                                                                      Paranoid behavior                     c.Neurotic behavior
b.                                                                     Psychoticbehavior                    d. Psychopathic behavior
35.                                                         Partof the natural development of an adolescent are grown, _________ andmaturation.
a.                                                                      Playing             c. Working
b.                                                                     Learning                        d.Singing
36.                                                         Abranch of psychiatry that deals with the evaluation, prevention and cure ofcriminal behavior.
a.                                                                      Criminology                  c.Psychology
b.                                                                     Criminal Psychiatry                    d.Psycho
37.                                                         Behaviorseen most members of the same community
a.                                                                      DeviantBehavior                       c.Average behavior
b.                                                                     Abnormal                      d. Unusual
38.                                                         Anabnormal mental condition whereby a person perform an act while sleeping
a.                                                                      Delirium                        c. Somnambulism
b.                                                                     Severeabnormality                    d.Somnolencia
39.         Astate of confusion of the mind characterized by incoherent speech,hallucinations, delusions, restlessness, and apparently purposeless motions.
a.                                                                      Delirium                        c.Somnambulism
b.                                                                     Severeabnormality                    d. Somnolencia
40.                                                         Astate whereby a person is half asleep or in condition between sleep and beingawake
a.                                                                      Delirium                        c. Somnambulism
b.                                                                     Severe abnormality                    d. Somnolencia
41.         Asopposed to introvert, a person highly adaptive to living and derivingsatisfaction from external world; he is interested in people and things thanideas, values and theories.
a.                                                                      Selfcentered individual             c.Conceited
b.                                                                     Extrovert                       d.Exhibitionist

42.         Atransmission of physical characteristics, mental traits, tendency to disease,etc. form parents offspring.
a.                                                                      Heredity                        c.Environment
b.                                                                     Inheritance                    d. Introvert
43.                                                         Anuncontrollable morbid propensity to steal, or pathological stealing.
a.                                                                      Kleptomania                  c.Legal insanity
b.                                                                     Phobia              d. Introvert
44.                                                         Amorbid insanity characterized by a deep and morbid sense of religious feeling.
a.                                                                      Mania              c. Mania Fanatica
b.                                                                     Delusion                       d. Legal insanity
45.                                                         Morbidcraving, usually of an erotic nature for dead bodies.
a.                                                                      Sexmaniac                   c. Masochism
b.                                                                     Necrophilism                 d. Bestialism
46.         Aterm applied to a specialist in the study of mental disorders; sometimesinterchangely used with psychiatrist.
a.                                                                      Anthropology                c. Psychology Expert
b.                                                                     Alienist             d.Behaviorist
47.                                                         Asexual perversion in which a person derives pleasure from being demented orcruelly treated.
a.                                                                      Maturation                     c. Bestialism
b.                                                                     Masochism                   d.Megalomania
48.         PSSupt.Jessie Villanueva is the highest ranking PNP Officer who first to arrive in ahostage taking incident. As a rule he servers now as a ground commander on thesaid crisis. Having decided to conduct hostage rescue operations, the objectsare as follows, except one--
a.                                                                      Ensurethat the hostages are safe or unharmed, and set free
b.     Ensure that the hostages be set free by yielding to thedemands of the hostage takers
c.                                                                      Hostage-takersdesist from his threats
d.                                                                     Hostage-takerscome to the fold of the law by surrendering or be incapable of causing harm
49.                                                       Ina hostage negotiation and crisis management practice, it is a “Cardinal Rule”_____
a.                                                                      Tobear a weapon when talking to the hostage-taker face-to-face.
b.                                                                     Seekbetter alternative than a negotiated agreement
c.                                                                      Not to agitate the hostage-taker
d.                                                                     Neversay "No" to the demands of the hostage taker
50.         Hostagesituations happen everywhere and almost every time but whatever or whoever thehostage maybe, when there is a threat to life, then it is a crisis situationand it must be managed for the purpose of no other but "SALVARIVITAS", which means
a.                                                                      To save lives        kill the hostage-taker
b.                                                                     Toneutralize the hostage taker      free the hostage
51.                                                         Consideredas a "Mortal Sin" in hostage negotiation.
a.                                                                      Givingall the demands of the hostage-taker
b.                                                                     Actingthat would prejudice the lives of the hostages
c.                                                                      Deceivingand bluffing the hostage-taker
d.                                                                     Saying "No" to the demands of the hostage taker
52.         ThePNP Operational Procedures Manual follows the 3S Principle in dealing withhostage-taking situations. These 3S are composed of the following, except one
a.                                                                      SingleCommand
b.                                                                     Single Commander and Negotiator
c.                                                                      SingleNegotiating Party
d.                                                                     SingleAccess to Communication
53.This part of man’s personality is present at birth representing unconsciousbiological drives for sex, food and other life-sustaining necessities andfollows the “pleasure principle” which requires instant gratification and hasno concern for the rights of others.
a.Id                                                      c.  Superego
            b. Ego                                                  d.  Alter ego
54. Astage of development when girls begin to have sexual feeling for their fathers.
            a. Oedipus complex                              c. doing gender
            b. Electra complex                                 d. chivalryhypothsis
55. Aserious mental and emotional disorder that is a manifestation of withdrawalfrom reality.
            a. Psychosomatic illness                      c. Psychoticism
            b. Psychoneurosis                               d. Psychosis

56.  Mentally disturbed person who  opposed the principles upon which society is based.
            a. Anti-social                             c. Psychopath
            b. Schizophrenic                       d. Sociopath
57.Defense mechanism that enables individuals to justify their behavior tothemselves and others by making excuses or formulating fictitious, sociallyapproved arguments to convince themselves and others that their behavior islogical and acceptable.
            a. sublimation                           c. projection
            b. fantasy                                 d. rationalization
58. Itoccurs when goal achievement is blocked.
            a. frustration                              c.conflict
            b. anxiety                                  d. apathy
59.This type of conflict occurs when there is an attraction to an object or stateof affairs at the same time repulsion towards something associated with it.
            a. avoidance-avoidance
            b. approach-avoidance  
            c. approach-approach
            d. avoidance-approach
60.Process of excluding from the consciousness a thought or feeling that causepain, shame or guilt.
            a. identification             c. regression
            b. suppression                           d. fixation
61.This an attempt to disguise or cover-up felt deficiencies or undesirable traitsby emphasizing a desirable type of behavior.           
            a. rationalization                        c. sublimation
            b. compensation                       d. projection
62.  An aggregate observable responses of anorganism to internal and external stimuli.
            a. human behavior                     c.behavior
            b. personality                            d. attribute
63.Process by which behavior changes as a result of experience or practice.     
            a. actualization              c. learning
            b. thinking                                 d. feeling
64. Afield of medicine that specializes in the understanding, diagnosis, treatment,and prevention of mental problems.   
            a. psychology                           c. psychiatry
            b. philosophy                            d. sociology
65.Type of conflict that occurs when there are two desirable but mutuallyexclusive goals.
            a. avoidance-avoidance
            b. approach-avoidance
            c. approach-approach
             d. multiple
66.Conflict transpired when there are two courses of action, each of which hasboth pleasant and unpleasant consequences.
            a. avoidance-avoidance            
            b. approach-avoidance
            c. approach-approach
            d. multiple
67.Process of excluding into the consciousness a thought or feeling that causespain, shame, or guilt.
            a. identification                         c. repression
            b. suppression                           d. fixation
68. Anattempt to disguise or cover up felt deficiencies or undesirable traits byemphasizing a desirable type.
            a. rationalization                        c. sublimation
            b. compensation                       d. projection
69.Interpreting of behavior in way that is more acceptable to the self by usingreasoning and alibis to substitute causes.
            a. rationalization             c. sublimation
            b. compensation                       d. projection
70.Region of the mind  which the perceptionof an individual whether within or outside is brought into awareness.
            a. semi-conscious                     c. unconscious
            b. subconscious                                   d. conscious
71.Materials of which one is not aware of but with the effort maybe brought to theconsciousness.
            a. semi-conscious                     c. unconscious
            b. subconscious                                    d. conscious
72.Region of the mind which an individual is not aware of.
            a. semi-conscious                     c. unconscious
            b. subconscious                                   d. conscious
73.This part of the psychic structure is the source of instinct, instinctiveenergy, occupies the unconscious region, reservoir of percept, libido, habittendencies, pleasure principle region, immoral, illogical, no unity of purposeand the repressed materials join or pleasure it.
            a. id                                          c.superego
            b. ego                                      d. alter ego
74.Part of the psychic structures merges with the id. It is mostly conscious andpartly unconscious.
            a. id                                          c. superego
            b. ego                                       d. alter ego
75.Outgrowth modification of the ego. It is generally unconscious and partlyconscious.
            a. id                                          c. superego
            b. ego                                      d. alter ego
76.False interpretation of an external stimulus.
            a. hallucination                          c.delusion
            b. compulsion                           d. illusion
77. itresults from the degeneration or disorder of the brain characterized by generalmental weakness, forgetfulness, and loss of coherence and total inability toreason.
            a. melancholia                           c. amnesia
            b. dementia                               d. apathy
78. Afalse or erroneous belief in something, which is not a fact.
            a. hallucination                          c.delusion
            b. compulsion                           d. illusion
79. Anexcessive, irrational and uncontrollable fear of a perfectly natural situationor object.
            a. melancholia                           c. phobia
            b. exaltation                              d. mania

80. Asexual perversion in which a person derives pleasure from being demented orcruelly treated.
            a. sadism                                  c. bestiality
            b. masochism                            d.megalomania
81. Anamnesia state where one wonders away from home or usual surroundings and whenawareness set in, there is no recollection as to how he or she came to bethere.
            a. insanity                                c. multiple personality
            b. somnambulism                      d.fugue
82. Themost tolerated way of handling frustration. It is a man’s last result when aperson attempts to overcome fear from an anticipated situation or event.
            a. coping mechanism                c.  aggression
            b. defense mechanism               d.fight-flight
83.This is a sudden and irresistible force compelling a person to the consciousperformance of some action without motive or forethought.
            a. compulsion                            c. impulsion
            b. obsession                             d. delusion
84. Thisis impairment in desire for sexual gratification in the male or an inability toachieve it.
            a. masturbation                         c.prostitution
            b. exhibitionism                         d.frigidity
85.This is any pattern of behavior including a habitual, preferred, and compellingneed for sexual gratification by any technique, other than willing coitusbetween man and woman and involving actions that are directly results ingenital excite.
            a. crime against chastity                       
            b. acts of lasciviousness          
            c. sexual deviation
            d. sexual offenses
86.Animals are used for the achievement of sexual excitation and gratification.
            a. voyeurism                             c. fetishism
            b. pedophilia                             d. bestiality

87. Theachievement of sexual pleasure though clandestine peeping.
            a. voyeurism                             c. fetishism
            b. pedophilia                             d. bestiality
88.Nick, a chemist, after tasting an unripe mango grimaced. This sensation is saidto be:
            a. olfactory                               c. auditory
            b. cutaneous                             d. gustatory
89.Bong, who usually gets sexual stimulation and gratification with another manmanifests what deviant sexual behavior?
            a. lesbianism                             c. homosexuality
            b. pedophilia                             d. incest
90. Mr.La Paz, a person working in a funeral parlor, dreams of having sexualintercourse with a corpse. What type of sexual deviation did he commit?
            a. necrophilia                             c.bestiality
            b. pedophilia                             d. none
91. Itis crime inspired by another crime that has been publicized in the news mediaor fictionally or artistically represented in which the offender incorporatesaspects of the original offense.
            a. crime of imitation                   c.publicized crime
            b. inspirational crime                 d.copycat crime
92. Apersonality disorder characterized by suspiciousness, hypersensitivity,rigidity, envy, excessive self-importance, and argumentativeness plus atendency to blame others for one's own mistakes and failures and to ascribeevil motives to others.
            a. anti-social personality
            b. narcissistic personality
            c. paranoid personality
            d. schizotypal personality
93. Apersonality disorder which is characterized by a lifelong history of inabilityto conform to social norms.
            a. anti-social personality
            b. narcissistic personality
            c. paranoid personality
            d. schizotypal personality
94. Thefirst step in hostage taking crisis is:
            a. crowd control                         c.negotiation
            b. assault                                  d. traffic control
95.Manny, angry at his girlfriend, boxed a nearby tree manifests what particulardefense mechanism?
            a. repression                             c.sublimation
            b. displacement                         d.projection
96. Agroup of bank robbers barricaded themselves inside the bank together with theirhostages; their demand is geared towards:
            a. revenge                                 c.economic gain
            b. escape                                  d. vindication
97. Themost important person in a hostage situation:
            a. negotiator                             c. hostage taker
            b. commander                           d. hostage        
98. Youare the first to respond to a call wherein a dead body is found at the scene ofthe crime with several onlookers. As a rule, you are not allowed to expressopinion. Why?
            a. no useful purpose will beserved
            b. you do not know the cause ofdeath
            c. the killer may be around
            d. your opinion may influence thenegotiator
99. Adissociative disorder in which the individual shifts abruptly and repeatedlyfrom one personality to another as if more than one person were inhabiting thesame body. This is commonly known as "split personality disorder.“
            a. amnesia       
            b. multiple personality disorder
            c. Psychogenic Fugue State
            d. Depersonalization
100.Containment in a hostage taking situation refers to:
            a. police handling of the situation                      
            b. negotiation   
            c. contact
            d. control of area and people
101.The cardinal rule to follow in a hostage taking situation is,
            a. commanders should notnegotiate, negotiators should not command
            b. open the communication at once
            c. negotiate
            d. ask for demands
102.These are priorities in a hostage taking situation EXCEPT,
            a. Preservation of life                          
            b. Arrest of hostage taker                     
            c. recover and protect property
            d. involve the media
103. Ahostage taker is characteristically all of these, EXCEPT
            a. mentally deranged                                                    
            b. suffers servere depression andmental aberration      
            c. sociopath personality           
d.mentally balanced
104.These are not negotiable in a hostage taking situation:
            a. guns and ammunition             c. drinks
            b. foods                                               d. all of these
105.The following are reasons, why common criminals are easy to negotiate, except:
            a. fears of police assault andpunishment
            b. criminals are usually rationalthinkers
            c. they are familiar with policeoperations and tactics
            d. their ultimate desire is tosurrender
106.Last option in hostage crisis:
            a. a. crowd control                    c. negotiation
            b. traffic control                                    d. assault
107. Itis any incident in which people are being held by another person or personsagainst their will, usually by force or coercion, and demands are being made bythe perpetrator.
            a. kidnapping                                        c. crisis management
            b. hostage incident                                 d. abduction
108.“Persons in crisis” are those hostage takers who take hostages:
            a. by reason of mental illness
   reason of prolonged frustration, despair and problems
            c. for personal reason
            d. because of political andideological belief
109.This is an assault team responsible in carrying out assault operation whenevernegotiation fails.
            a. medical team                                     c. negotiation team
            b.tactical team                                                 d.snipers
110. Inpsychoanalytic theory, the unconscious wish for death is called;
            A. eros                                                 C. animus
            B.thanatos                                           D. lupus

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